Thursday, 1 March 2012

KWW: Creating a new Kitchen Altar Part 1...On Thursday...

I have lived in my new home for a few months now, and I am just now really starting to get around to decorating and putting my personal stamp on the place. I mean all the furniture is out, most of the pictures and little pieces that make a home personal are out; but for years I planned how my place was going to look once I got one, and this right now isn't it.

When I lived at home I liked putting a personal stamp on my parents house, adding the witchy stuff in with the mundane and knowing there was something of me there, now I have a blank slate and I'm kinda floundering on what to make of it.
In my kitchen I have a beautiful shelf with four rungs that I am currently not making full use of.  I am going to make that the focus of my kitchen altar and I want to bring y'all along on the journey. Here it is as it is now, I have books, & recipes in the first shelf because they don't fit where the fridge door needs to swing open. the next shelf is just a mix match of things, the third shelf has my herbs and the last shelf more mismatched stuff.
Since today was errand day, I decided I wanted to help clean up the kitchen and make it more of a place to be especially for a kitchen witch. One of the tall cupboards had only one shelf, so I went to Home Depot and purchased a sheet of birch wood, I had it cut to size for me (I brought the shelf from the other cupboard for correct measure). I ended up with two small shelves and spare wood for other projects which I will share later.
Once I got home I jumped on resorting my kitchen cupboards, as this would help clean off the bigger white shelves and declutter somewhat the counters in the kitchen. I forgot to take a before picture, so here is the after of the shelves (I made sure to sand the ends that I would be touching frequently as I don't want splinters every time I reach for something.
Now some of the items from the white shelf are in here, and now here is a view of some of the other shelves. This open air shelf now has all the spices on it.
I got the spice shelf from Walmart (yes I know but the target is 30 mins away, by time I get there and back I have created more emissions than shopping at the local store). Now the topshelves are a little less cluttered.
As are the bottom shelves, they are still full, but I'm working on it.
I still have much to do, I need to make use of this space as well, and I haven't even shown you he cleaning cupboard (little cupboard of horrors if you ask me)
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the apartment, and I look forward to sharing with you the improvements to the kitchen, the making of my new altar, and just plain having a blast in the kitchen. Any comments, questions or suggestions? The floor is yours.

Be Blessed and Happy New Month


I love my readers, and your comments help me to know how you feel, so please share.
Thank You and Goddess Bless.