Saturday, 31 July 2010

Paranormal Telly: A Vamp, a Were and a.....

Yeah a Ghost, this isn't a True Blood show review (although i LOVE the show, loved the books even more). This is a NEW show for those who love paranormal books and shows. The show has a pretty good premise and just started on the BBC channel & BBC America, which has a Paranormal Saturdays where they show all movies and shows dealing with...Well the Paranormal (duh!!)

In this new show there is a werewolf who is new to his condition, a Vamp who's been around a while, & a ghost who is trying to understand why only they can see her. I.m going to put the shows view of itself here: 
Being Human is a comedy-drama series about three twenty-something housemates trying to live normal lives, despite struggling with unusual afflictions - one is a werewolf, one is a vampire and the other is a ghost. They face a human threat in the form of the mysterious Professor Jaggat and the cold-hearted Kemp. Jaggat and Kemp are fundamentalist Christians who have discovered the existence of vampires, werewolves and ghosts - and are determined to destroy them or carry out brutal experiments upon them. "
The Link to the website is below:Being Human

The reason i love the is show is due to the witty conversations which flow well  without trying too hard.The characters and the actors work very well together and this makes the story line very believable. Its definitely a show worth checking out a good paranormal show to watch.
Well readers Have fun watching and wondering 
Just what would happen if these things  were Real?

Thursday, 29 July 2010

What is Wild Crafting?

What is wild crafting you ask?

Well good student... its the fine art of foraging for herbs, fruits, and edible products from the local wild areas around you. It entails learning about your local plants and becoming familiar with them. For many people all they see is green and a few flowers when they look at the local woods or state park. But there are many edible plants hiding in plain sight, many which we walk by thinking they are just weeds.

Recently I was inspired to go into the two local trails near me, and I brought along books about the local fauna and took tons of pictures and attempted to identify as many as i could. So I'll share those with you now ( of course NEVER EVER use something your not sure about, you can take the things to the local Arbor or plant shop and get them to help you)

Japanese Honeysuckle

Wild Rose:



Artemisia Mugwort

So now that I have shown you mine why dont't you go out and take pictures of yours.   Remember be safe!!! And as always thanks for stopping by and reading ,

Love and Light Always

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Awww they say

that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

How my day went from great to worst in the span of twenty minutes. 

As with any plans pertaining to children there is never a sure bet. The oldest had tennis lessons this morning and the youngest after having a hissy fit because he couldn't be with his sister was in a sour mood. I let him let off steam for 10 mins by watching Toot and Puddle (who really came up with this name for a children's cartoon I'll never understand, but that's for another time), we then go outside so he can play tennis too and he just was not feeling it, I'm a poor substitute for his sister (thrown over for a 4 year old, I'm struggling to pick up my self-esteem) .

I decide that a walk will do us fine ( I will come to regret this decision in a little while). He decides he doesn't want to walk but ride so I allow him to climb into his all terrain walker and off we go.  This has been a week of record highs and then wicked thunderstorms, so this mornings clear skies and soft breezes inspired me to walk even further than normal I mean its  930 am and only 73 degrees outside and perfect to go.
He is finally engaging with me and requests that we hit the trail that runs behind the house (O_O) & i thought Whew he's talking to me again lets GO!!! (stop laughing) the trail starts off pretty rough then becomes a great for an off road stroller to go,

I carry him down the steep hill then he's back into his stroller and off we go, we aren't the only ones taking advantage of the cooler climate there are several people with children and dogs on the trail, for some reason everyone felt the need to warn me that i was going to break my stroller on the trail (Ugh i know what i'm doing people thanks). I think now would be a good time to mention I am wearing flip-flops (O_o,  oh read on this only gets better!!).  As we are waking I noticed that there are more roots from the trees than I ever noticed before and certainly more debris on the ground, so out of the stroller he goes and start walking, I'm carrying the stroller now and its time to go home because his sister will be dropped off from her lesson soon.

Sooooo genius that I am I decide " Why don't we use the cut behind the house instead of walking all the way back?" (I will later pay for this thought) remember I am with a 2 year old and carrying a stroller and we go off the beaten path to what used to be a easy walk up to the backyard, but sometime in the last few days the rain has washed alot of debris into the half trail behind the house and soaked the ground (I'm still in flip-flops) going up hill

Things go from bad to worst:

1) the rain has washed away the path (O_O)
2) and I no longer have any landmarks.

The next fifteen minutes are a painful amount of walking around with a toddler on my back complaining that he wants to go home and me trying my best not to cry, finally i see the back deck then realize I'm closer to the neighbors house and need to go across to my destination because the neighbors' woods are filled with poision oak (I am not at all happy at this point).

I finally figure out how to cut across to get to our back deck,(angels sing" Glory Glory !!) then as I'm walking up hill to the deck


the heat hits and I get drenched walking with the stroller and baby we finally clear all woods and are back on the little path to the house, He wants down and runs peddle for the meddle to the house (Ok so now you can run ) I finally make into the gargage & collapse, not two seconds later the car caring child number two comes rolling up......
 I look at the clock it's only 1030 AM , and I am reminded that with children there is no rest for the weary.......

Never fear readers there is a part two to this day's tale that must be told at another time

as always

Don't fly too low or too high

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Bucket list: Item check

I have been a good little worker snd have checked off a few of the bucket list items. I'm here to share one fo the experiences with you now:

I know i haven't written in a while (ok a long darn time)

 I have managed despite the heat of last few days to really begin work on my bucket list, as you can see above i have been fine tuning my skills as a crochet artist, I have been enjoying the privilege of testing some of the patterns from Smoothfox (who is located here on blogspot).

She shares amazing patterns with you for free, and lets her super fansbecomes testers for her, some of the patterns can be purchased individually or as part of her new pattern books/ You can check her out here: Smooth Fox Lover Crochet Designer.  Along with my other fave artist :

To aide in getting used to crocheting I have also sought out and joined several Crochet groups which are local to my area, and I have managed to meet some amazing people through these events. So I have shared my Bucket List triumpth with you, unfortunately my camera is broken so i will be posting all the stuff i have already done, and I'll let ya'll know all the stuff i'll be working on as its getting done.

Share some of your bucket list triumpths with me too, as always:
Try to fly low and straight
try &  avoid the heat

Monday, 26 July 2010

Monday Movies Reviews:

So I have been diligently ( o_O) working on completing my Summer Reading list as well as my Summer Movies list. I would love to share with you some of the things I have seen so far.

Movie Worth Seeing:
Lilies of the Field (1963) .... Homer Smith  this stars Sidney Poitier

OM Goddess this movie is really amazing, from beginning to end it was engaging and funny and straight to the point and it was really good. I loved this movies from beginning to end.
It reminded me that not all good movies must have things being blown up and destroyed for the plot to make sense sometimes the simple things can be the most beautiful.

Definitely : Four out of Four Magical Broomsticks

If you get a chance to check it out, do and enjoy

& as always My loves
Try not to be this witch because it is never a good look

Interospection and Doubts

Being Pagan means always learning "more" about ourselves, the world around us and our faiths.  Tonight was the full moon and this moon carries so much energy and yet not for the first time in a long time i didn't feel the need to cast a circle and practice.(what how why so shocking)

As I have said in my bio i have been a practicing pagan for over 17 years and I'm beginning to feel the burn out.  A lot has been running through my mind and the one question that seems to keep popping up is "how much of my practice is simply a rebellion?" I know one doesn't follow a faith for this long as a simple rebellion but .......

This full moon inspired some deep reflection and introspection on my part and I feel as if I have been avoiding this question for a long time.  It is wise to question everything one believes and to continually (especially to yourself) question "WHY" you believe what you do. Even the Witch's Pyramid is so stated " To Know, To Dare, To be Silent" (although the last part doesn't really pertain to this situation)

I'll explain how some of this came about a few weeks ago I had the privilege of being interviewed by a younger pagan in the community for her class projects on faith and she asked some tough questions. (Boy did she put me on the spot and call me to the carpet) And it has made me really question
"How much of our faith is ingrained within from previous religions and how much is simply rebelling against the status quo?"

I know why I choose this path (or sometimes it seems like it choose me).for me being here felt like home but why do I stay? Especially when I know how my family feels about it? Is it the one thing I truly feel in charge of ? (yeah like the Gods really let us have ALL the control) Sometimes I feel so guilty because I will feel like an "arm-chair" pagan/witch(don't gimme that look you know what it is!! Ok for those who don't its the person who knows alot of stuff but doesn't really practice all of the tenets of the faith)

I have been feeling disquiet a lot lately and I have begun to wonder why ? Does it mean I am to change paths or am I in need of deeper wanderings? Is there more that I am not feeling or seeing?

Could it be that I have outgrown this path? Or am I simply blindly moving in a circle while my path is laid out before me waiting for me to seek more from it than I already am?

I don't know readers, I haven't felt the Goddess moving in my life in a while perhaps I'm just not looking deeply enough, or maybe its time to move on (it has taken me forever to even think this much less write it)

Tell me how you feel and what do you do in these moments, when the doubts begin to surface and the presence of the Goddess is but a distant memory?

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Bread Success & Failures

Bagels and Pita bread

So I spent the weekend attempting to make bread and learning new recipes to add to the repertoire. But as with all experiments they are successes and sometimes Epic Failures.

My flat bread attempt was an EPIC failure, I think because the yeast didn't properly rise, but either way it was a failure.

The bagels were an amazing success, my family really loved it!!! They ate them all, we had a few friends over so they went fast.

I loved making them because they were so easy and you know all the ingredients included and know just how clean the place is that made them (because I always wonder when I go out how clean is the place really, I know Don't. Look. At. Me That.Way. I'm a germaphobe and I freely admit it)

Well since I have shared all my info about my failures and success please share yours with me.

My apologies :

I am on my knees for ya'll (get your mind outta the gutta!!).

 I am so so so so sorry, I know I promised to write three times a week but i just couldn't seem to get up the nerve to really write something. I had some ideas but they just didn't seem to really belong on the blog.

In truth I have been suffering from what the old folks used to call Ennui (otherwise known as the blues). I just couldn't get interested in anything, I would film many things take tons of pictures but i just couldn't get up the "pizzaz" or excitement up to make the blogs.

But I am back now and I can't wait to share all I have been learning over the summer.
I have even found some amazing blogs that I have enjoyed reading which have helped me understand how I want my blog to go.

So I apologize sincerely
& thanks so much for stopping by and reading

Love and light always