Thursday, 28 April 2011

Dear TMobile 2: Actual letter sent to customer Relations

To Whom it may concern

I called you customer service on Thursday April 28th, 2011, as a customer whom had an issue with the T-Mobile Dash 3G.  Last week, April 20, 2011, I spent four (4) frustrating hours on the phone attempting to get my phone replaced by anything else but the Dash, at which point I was told I would not be able to do that, unless I wished to do an early upgrade and pay for this. To which I stated NO, since this was a technical issue not an issue of normal wear and tear, or even my incompetence. I was transferred to SEVEN (7) different people, all of whom kept repeating the same line, there was nothing to do.
 I accepted the phone, and received my phone in the mail. The same day I received the phone it presented an error message which stated “ Cannot execute HTCActivityLog.EXE.exe” do I wish to send, I sent all Three (3) messages, to which it repeated the error message for “WmpPlayer.exe” and Windows media player would freeze.
 I called customer service to report this and the gentleman on the phone told me to reset the phone after he updated the web information and that the phone should work fine, if in 72 hours I had an issue I should go to the store. I did. And she told me to call customer service. As I had only received this phone four (4) days ago I was very angry that I was calling back with the same issues.
 I first went into the T-mobile store in Mall in an attempt to have it fixed just in case I was doing something wrong, while there the lovely young lady reset the phone letting me know that I would lose the information on the phone and they would be able to get it all back. She also checked to make sure the phone software was up to date. As this was taking place, after the hard reset the phone froze while she was attempting to fix it after the reboot. At this time she told me that she was going to note the account, and that I should call customer service and they should (as per company policy) replace the phone with an offer of equal or lesser value.
I called you customer service line where I was forced to explain the situation to each person I spoke who would transfer me again and again to someone new. Finally I told the young lady I was speaking to, to get the supervisor, as I’m sure he could fix this issue. The manager who came on the phone stated his name was Mark, I let him know that I was not satisfied with the options being offered of taking back a refurbished (read “fixed” broken phone) and that I wanted my phone replaced, and I was not going to pay for it, as I had paid for this phone and it has given me nothing but trouble for the last few months.
He told me that I was calling and asking him to “jump off of a cliff” (His exact words) and just because he was supervisor did not mean he was going to do what I needed him to do; which is hold up the end of the bargain struck with T-mobile that as along as I pay my phone bill, if there are issues, T-Mobile would fix them. 
            When I snapped that he was being very irrational and that this was NOT good customer service, as I myself worked in the customer service field and he was NOT doing a good job of keeping this customer happy. I told him also if I was not satisfied I would return my equipment and cancel my service. I then told him if I had anymore issues I was not dealing with customer service I would talk to the people in store who would then have to talk to him because this made no sense, that I had to keep getting the same phone and he was in charge of fixing that but he wasn’t going to.
            I stated he should send the refurbished phone and anymore issues would have to be fixed immediately and I was not going to keep doing this, as I had already wasted enough time getting my phone fixed. I also let him know that his customer service skills were abysmal at best, and that I now knew why the company was doing so poorly if this is how they treat customers. I also demanded his customer number which he stated was 42029, then I asked for the number of the order Mark gave me the number, and told me to hang up, as I was on someone else’s phone and didn’t know how it worked I told him I was attempting to do so. Mark the Supervisor stated “Even hanging up is an issue for you, uhh” then hung up the phone.

I proceeded to call back customer service and spoke to Amy (probably the only other person i have spoken to who is a GOOD customer service rep) at badge number 103764 who after searching the notes stated that this badge number was actually false, the badge number listed last was actually 126950, and that is the number of the person who processed the refurbished order. Your MANAGER, who is in charge of the service representatives, not only had a nasty attitude, he also LIED to a customer.

To say I am beyond fed up with the atrocious standards of customer satisfaction you are dealing is an understatement. If this is how loyal customers are treated, I hate to see how you treat the others. I left another company and have been T-Mobile customer for almost fifteen (15) years, under numerous numbers as I have moved and changed numbers, and I am treated disrespectfully by your customer representatives.

I wish to let you know that once my contract is up I will be seeking service elsewhere as, I will not be spoken to or treated this way by people I am paying. I will also be sharing this story with ALL my family members who I foolishly convinced to come over to you once their contract was up with your competition. 

A very pissed off customer

What the Hell is the World Coming to??? Rant

****Advance Warning: Although I usually attempt to make my point without cursing, today?? I'm too pissed to take that into account, so Sorry for the cursing if you don't like that kind of thing otherwise Read On*

Recently here in Connecticut the news channels brought us the story of a homeless woman who was facing up to 20 years in jail and $15,000 in fines. Want to know her crime???  Did she sell drugs?? Was she a prostitute?? No ladies and gents She had the audacity to send her child to school. Yes ladies and gents you read that right as a HOMELESS woman she had no formal address, so she used the address of the babysitter, whom takes care of her child. Again let me repeat in case you haven't heard this part she's HOMELESS, and she is facing up to 20 years in JAIL because her last known address was in Bridgeport and the school was in Norwalk.

Are you f**king kidding me??? Is this what we have come to ?? Sending a woman to jail because she used someone's address?? It's not like she lived in Bridgeport, she lives the hell out of her car, and her child is SIX (6), where in the world is education for FOUR count them four months worth $15,000, in a PUBLIC school??????  If the school's education is worth that much, why shouldn't she send her child there when the Bridgeport school system is shot to hell and back?? Magnet schools don't even admit kids anymore, and charter schools are full. Where is the common sense the Gods gave these prosecutors, to say OK, maybe 20 years is extreme. If that's the case I'm calling Trumbull town to let them know my neighbors sent all 3 of their kids to Trumbull high and we are zoned as Fairfield/Easton (upper class neighborhoods, and YET Trumbull school system is considered WAY better).
I know I know it's wrong to lie about your permanent address, so maybe she should have listed the street she parked her car on. Maybe then she would have qualified. Oh what's that we know she used the Norwalk shelters, but she never signed a piece of paper saying she was staying here, so she doesn't qualify. WTF???

She's attempting to sue since this is a form of discrimination, meanwhile the town is attempting to settle that quietly. Her criminal charges came back yesterday, saying yes to 20 years. Hopefully some Judge with common sense will look at it and tell the prosecutor to sit the hell down and give her community service or something TWENTY years??? As a homeless woman??

Then what happens to the child? He becomes a ward of the state and then you'll really have to pay out money to take care of him. Considering how overwhelmed our state and federal children's "help" system is, do we really need to unnecessarily throw children in there?? Yes there are good foster mothers and fathers, unfortunately there are more people in it for the money than to really take care of kids. And let's not even discuss how much more black and latino kids age out of the foster system than get adopted. He's six (6) years old, this is going to scare him, every time he thinks of school he's going to remember this. Is this the kind of system we want to set up?? Where our kids don't go to school. I mean our schools are f**ked up beyond repair, with overburdened classrooms, teachers who are overwhelmed with extreme expectations and NO HELP WHAT-SO-EVER. Personally I think we need to scrap the current system and start the hell over, but seriously, why are we turning kids away from school so early???

 I can't stand when people act stupid, yes she should have registered at the shelters in Norwalk, the most they should have done was put the kid out, but to attempt to recruit $15,000 from a woman who clearly doesn't have that kind of money, and then send her to jail, smacks of attempting to make an example of her, and just carries a weft of racism.

Loved this suggestion someone had on the FB page
The Norwalk Schools received federal funds based on her sons registration & daily attendance. Unless they plan to prorate & return the unused portion of those federal funds back to the federal government, they are now involved in fraud & misappropriation of federal dollars and libel for criminal prosecution on the federal level. Turn the tables back on them press for prosecution.
Do you think this is a crock of shyt and wish to protest then sign the Petition.  You can even check out the Ct Parent's  Union which is protesting this charge here on Facebook

What do you think guys?? Am I just being over analytical?? Should she face up to 20 years?? Considering a woman in Ohio did the same thing and got 10 days in jail and 3 years probation?? Leave it in the comments

Be Blessed

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Happy Eostre

            HAPPY EASTER


Bless this day the joy of life,
The revelation of the flesh,
The paradise of man and wife
Joined to share the gift of bliss.

Bless this day the pain of life,
The passion that redeems the flesh,
The love between a man and wife
Beyond all agony and bliss.

Bless this day the end of life,
The peace within the dying flesh,
The bond between a man and wife
That long outlasts their bit of bliss.

Bless this day the whole of life,
The grace of being more than flesh,
The voyage of a man and wife
Across the mystery of bliss.
poem by J.S Bach

Happy and Blessed Easter

Friday, 22 April 2011

Happy Day

On the Christian calender today is Good Friday, one of, if not the Holiest Day for Christians. Today also happens to be Earth Day. One of, if not the biggest day for environmentalists, because today everyone does something to be green, even if they normally don't do anything else all year. Many companies stress today as a big day, news channels cover more "green" ideas today, and it's all over the internet, just check out Google's homepage, or even Yahoo, they are all green today.

Yahoo green a great little homepage has some great ideas on how anyone can help the environment without going crazy.

I love this song by Circle of Women called "Earth My Body", I think this fits perfectly in with today, don't you??

What are you doing to celebrate Earth day today??  Today I'm going to be doing this:
Happy Earth Day

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Seasonal Eating

courtesy of cityseed ct,gov
There are many different diets out there one of the ones I have really enjoyed is the 100 mile diet, which advocates eating as much of your fruits, veggies and proteins form within a hundred miles of your home. Which would mean you have to shop more in the farmers market, since most those are local and generally within a hundred miles of the farmers market. Luckily for me I live in CT which is dotted with hundreds of pick your own farms, and tons of farmers markets, or side of the road markets (close to many of the farms).  Not only is it a good diet, it is an excellent 'green' movement as well.

So I thought I would show you what you should eat this season as part of connecting to the seasons ans working with the energy of Spring, which is counted from April to June.

Chamomile, Chervil, Lemon Balm, chives, chive blossom, lovage, lavender, dill, cilantro, french tarragon
Cucumbers, asparagus, snow pea, sugar snap pea, english pea, rhubarb
 button, cremini, portabello, shiitake, morel, chanterelle, oyster
Edible flowers,
viola, johnny jump-up, zucchini blossom

Hot and Sweet Peppers
salad greens
strawberry, apple, cherries

Eggs: chicken, duck, goose, pheasant, wild turkey, guinea hen
Poultry: chicken, cornish game hen, soup pheasant
Fish and Seafood: boston mackerel, flounder, porgy, sea bass, shad, whiting, freshwater trout, oysters, clams, crab, smoked fish

I will also be sharing recipes to go with these so look out for those.
Be Blessed

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Book Review

Title:      The Sugar Queen
Author:  Sarah Addison Allen
Pages:   276
Genre:    Fiction

Twenty-seven-year-old Josey Cirrini is sure of three things: winter in her North Carolina hometown is her favorite season, she s a sorry excuse for a Southern belle, and sweets are best eaten in the privacy of her hidden closet. For while Josey has settled into an uneventful life in her mother s house, her one consolation is the stockpile of sugary treats and paperback romances she escapes to each night... Until she finds it harboring none other than local waitress Della Lee Baker, a tough-talking, tenderhearted woman who is one part nemesis and two parts fairy godmother...
Fleeing a life of bad luck and big mistakes, Della Lee has decided Josey s clandestine closet is the safest place to crash. In return she's going to change Josey's life because,..

My Review:
I LOVED this book. Josey is a wonderful character who does her duty well, and hides all hints of a personality in an effort to pay her mother back. Della Lee is hell bent of making Josey have a life and aides in pushing Josey out the tiny little shell of a life she has created. Much like Rapunzel, Josey has locked herself in a tower, and hidden all of her potential, Della Lee is the little 'devilish' thought that has tempted her out.

I read Garden Spells and loved the cast of characters, and I am no less in love with this town and it's amazingly 'witchy' cast, including a very sexy Succubus.Sarah Addison Allen has a definite talent for making her characters, and their lives come alive, and I knew who Della was from the very first, but it was great to read it in the end anyway.

Josey's changes and her new life a so well worth reading about. I enjoyed thos love story as well as the secondary love story within.

I got this book in the Bargain bin at WaldenBooks for $3.99, it was well worth the original $22.00.

Rating: 4 out of 4 Broomsticks

Pick this one up when you have a chance
Enjoy Your Reading

Monday, 18 April 2011

Dear TMobile

I have been a loyal customer for over 12 years, recently when my family needed to change from Verizon wireless i got them to come over to you. I have never had any real reason to complain about service or any issues. Today i have had an issues with my phone and called customer care thinking foolishly that well "they care what customers think". Well that was a load of shyt.

I have the T-mobile Dash 3G and have had issues with it, it freezes, it resets itself i have lost all my contacts and had to spend hours resetting all my previous preferences. the letter 'A' is stuck and doesn't work the trackball only works when it feels like it, my 'windows media player' says all my files are corrupted and can't play even though they play perfectly fine on my computer version of Window media player.

Everyday to get this damn phone to work I have to take the battery out and restart it, it locked itself on silent the other day and i had no idea how to get it out of that mode it took 30 mins of frantically searching before i found the way to undo that. the phone restarts and freezes in the middle of apps, it kicks me off the Internet as soon as i sign on and I am paying for '3G' service which is a load of crock as its slow as hell. When its not kicking me off I can't type into whatever I am on. What is the point of this phone??? How is it a windows phone but doesn't actually have any windows apps??? Why must I download another software when it looks like Microsoft office is on there but it really isn't it's just so I can read stuff not actually you know USE IT.

 I spent THREE (3) and a half hours on the phone with your customer service today, and still got no where. Why the f**k would i want the same phone back after it broke not once but twice, this phone is defective you no longer offer it as a phone to purchase but those of us stuck with the phone have to suck it up and keep getting the same BULLSHYT "refurbished" phone. The definition of an IDIOT is someone who keeps doing the SAME thing and keeps hoping for DIFFERENT results and that's basically what you want me to do, deal with a 'fixed' broken phone and then act surprised when the does the same shyt. I AM DONE

12 years of loyalty and i have to deal with this??? When my contract ends, you can kiss my ass, as I am NEVER coming back to you, even if I have to send smoke signals to get my information across I will never come back to you. I can now understand why AT&T was able to buy y'all out. You suck and seem to think this is OK, and that your customers have no other choices. Well I am a customer telling you that you I have a choice and it's no longer you and you will never get another penny out of me.

Signed a pissed off almost former customer

I am Officially on Vacation

OMG it feels so good this is the first morning in a long time that I woke up past sunrise. I wasn’t rushing anywhere, I wasn’t freaking out that I needed to be somewhere, I just woke up and took my time. It feels so good.

So You must be wondering what the hell kind of program I must be doing, well I’m in the healthcare field and I ‘m in a program that will help expand my ability to work, I will be able to move around more with this new degree, and even though I know I have it abit in the bag, I’m still going to hold back on telling what it is. I still don’t want to tempt the Gods into coming after me.

So this weekend I took on a project of rearranging my room, inventorying ALL my books,and I mean ALL my books. It's been fun to see just how well my memory is holding up of what books I do own, and who has borrowed what. I have a ton of books, and inventorying them is proving to be a huge job, so i have begun to break them up by shelves and catalog them that way. (above is just one pile I brought downstairs with me)

I have also recently joined a group called Just click on the link to Join It's Free, you put up 10 or 20 books you wish to trade and they give you 2 free points. You use the points to trade for books, and the person mailing it to you pays for postage, and that's it. Boom you have a new book at no cost to you, each time someone requests your book and you mail it, they then say they received it you get a point. I'm in love with this stie, I get new books in the mail without anything coming out of the budget. How sweet is that!?!?!?!?  (To be fair I must let you know if you click on the link and sign up I also receive a point for referring you).
I am super pumped about the Royal Wedding coming up, my Mother watched Princess Di's wedding to Prince Charles in the 1980s (I was born that November, so I wasn't around for that one), Her mother was one of the many to witness Queen Elizabeth's coronation in 1953. I know it sounds weird, but I'm from a commonwealth country and this to me is a huge huge event. Yes I know there are many anti-Monarchists running around threatening to ruin the big day, but you know what I'm excited. I remember being a child and having a huge crush on Prince Will when he was also my age (ok a little younger by nine months) and this to me is like one of my friends getting married. I loved the video that went viral and then got picked up by T-mobile.

I'm also pumped that Princess Grace's son Prince Albert will also be getting married this year, in June  to Charlene Wittstock a South African former Olympic swimmer.  And although Prince Albert isn't having the same amount of press I'm also excited about this one just because I love Princess Grace, and the glamour  of Monaco.

I have also begun to play catch-up on ALL my shows. I'm pumped to see all the good storylines like on House, Army Wives, and How I met your mother. i'm even pumped about Gossip Girl today (yes, it's my guilty pleasure so Don't. Judge. Me).

I've been browsing the Coming Soon section of Yahoo movies and can't wait to see:
1) Jumping the Broom (a TD Jakes movie)
2) Madea's Big Happy family (anything Madea is hilarous to me)
3) Something borrowed (I love Ginnifer Goodwin and Kate Hudson--so much like her Mom, very funny)
4) When Harry tries to Marry (its a Bollywood film, and the theater in my town always screens these so I'm super pumped)
5)Pirates of the Caribbean (it's Johnny Depp what more is there ot say??)
6)and yes Prom I know I know but it looks hilarious, my sister gets us tickets that I don't have to pay for so this one i will see just cause it's free.
7) and of course The Hangover 2
and we all Know HARRY POTTER without a doubt we will be watching the midnight preview and like last year, my sister and her friends are going all dressed up as their favorite characters.

I'm also pumped about Beltaine, are you?? What are your plans??
So that's me for this weekend and today what are you doing and what are you looking forward to???
Be Blessed

Friday, 15 April 2011

I'm Back!!!

As of today at 150 pm i have break until next Mon May 2nd. what are you plans for Beltaine??? I can't wait to catch ya'll up on the many things going on and how much life has developed for me. I will also be making some changes around here so please be patient with me. Thanks

Im going to take a nap (Goddess do i need it) and Ill be posting in the morning!!!!

Be Blessed