Hey everyone,
I wanted to share some quick reviews on beauty products. Yes I know that this isn't a beauty blog but its a blog about whatever is going on in my life that I feel the need to share about. One of the things i have been doing for years is attempting to go green in as many aspects of my life as possible, so first i went to unscented regualar deodorants, then i switched to Tom's of Maine whole line, then a crystal deodarant called naturally fresh roll-on.
Yeah ok here's what I have found. Tom's of Maine is great for a few hours, unlike regualar anti-perspirants you will need to re-apply this after about four or five hours, or earlier if you tend to move around alot which i do and it failed on me, so I learned to bring it along and re-apply, since then I haven't really had any issues.

The naturally fresh roll-on Yeah take a pass on that one. This didn't work at all. After about twenty minutes, I began to feel myself sweating, and about two hours I could smell myself. I work in a high stress job and I move around quickly alot, so not having adequate deodarnat coverage is a no-no. So this one is still on my dresser slowly drying itself out because I refuse to even use it again. I mostly purchased it because it was on sale (a sign i should have heeded) like clearance level sale, only sane thing I did was purchase one to try before I stocked up. If I had found the reciept before the 30 days were up i would have brought right on back,. this on gets a big fat FAIL.

As for toothpaste, I have stoped using convental toothpaste and have found that i physically can't go back, I'm not sure what it is that's in them that do this but if i use a 'regular' toothpaste i break out in sores in my mouth. I switched almost 9 years ago to Tom's of maine and haven't looked back, I generally stock up when they are on sale and have plenty of back up so I never run out, just because I know I can't take the risk of using anything else. I love their entire line of toothpaste, i really love the baking soda formula, it's fresh and gets your mouth ridiculously clean as well.
I also enjoy their floss, I have tried many floss, but their's has no wax on it and it actually feels really good and worked a whole lot better than the smaller flosses, I have stocked up on these too just to make sure I have a few on hand, because they go fast.
I love to recycle, I love yogurt (especially before i seemed to become lactose sensitive), so when I was shopping for a new toothbrush and saw these on sale in target i almost fell over. They are the
Preserve toothbrush, made from recycled yogurt cups. How sweet is that? they have them in levels of hardness much like 'regular' toothbrushes and they work amazingly well I love them and haven't gone back since purhasing they three years ago. The company is doing big and good things check them out on the link provided.
that's my reviews for now, yes I am aware that Tom's of Maine is no longer a small company but have been purchase by a big conglomerate, somethings have changed like the labels, but so far I haven't seen a big change in the recipes(hopefully it won't change), I tend to be loyal to a brand until they fail me for whatever reason, so for now I'm still a Tom's girl. Please check out and support any of the companies in whatever way you can. Let me know what products you love and how you too are going green.
I hope you enjoy the products as much as I do, be blessed