Sunday, 15 July 2012

IMM (14): BEA edition

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at the Story Siren. It's a chance to showcase the books you have made their way into your home through the post, through email, from the library, as gifts, or purchased during the week. You get a chance to show off the books that you may not get a chance to review or read, but want your bloggie friends to see. 

This is going to be a huge one, I'm only going to be highlighting a few with pictures.

Okay so I hesitated on doing this editon, it's just so many books!!! But I finally got the day off and decided to sit down and do it. I'm excited to read all of these, I can't believe how many I received. Pray for me I might not come out of these books for a few months. Click on the links to see the previews for the books as there are way too many to put the previews all here. I will only highlight a few, some of which drew me simply because of the covers. The complete list can be found here
That's all folks, what'd you get in your mailbox?? Share in the comments and I will Swing on by
Happy Reading

1 comment:

  1. So many good books! So many books on that list I am dying to read. Happy reading!

    My IMM

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives


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Thank You and Goddess Bless.