Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Big Samhain Giveaway ~ CLOSED

It's Samhain and it's the big giveway. Yes there are three great prizes for everyone to choose from

1) You must be a subscriber of my blog or youtube channel. *you can sign up today too*
2) Fill out an entry in the Mr Linky section with your name.

3) Have a legit blog name or screen name where I can email you for the prize (Open Id, blogger name, etc)
4) You can gain extra chances to win by Blogging, Tweeting,share on FB about the giveaway, comeback and share the link in the comment section 

5) Comment after you link and let me know which prize your entering for!!

Limit 1 Mr. Linky entry per person. Each comment counts as 1 extra entry. Entry must be submitted by November 6, 2012 at midnight. Winners will be announced on November 7, 2012.  This prizes are open to all. An entry in no way guarantees a winning submission, Winners will be chosen by
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.


The Carioca Witch is giving away a Samhain Goddess !!!! The Goddess is filled with Mugwort and Cinnamon.
One lucky winner can receive this Doll!!!

The second prize pack is a few signed books:
Heather's Krewe Hunters first book. & an unsigned copy of Killing Kelly:

a signed copy of Sephanie Chong " The Demoness of Waking Dreams"
and a copy of Rachel Vincent's Shadow Bound
The 3rd prize pack contains the following:
a copy of A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year by Ellen Evert Hofman

For the ancient Druids, the healing and magical properties of herbs were inseparable from the larger cycles of the seasons, the movements of the planets, and the progression of a human life.

A Druid’s Herbal shows the reader how to use herbs when creating rituals to celebrate festivals and significant life passages such as births, house blessings, weddings, funerals, and naming ceremonies.

Drawing on extensive research and a deep personal experience with Pagan traditions, Ellen Evert Hopman explores the history and folklore surrounding the eight major Celtic festivals: Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Summer Solstice, Lugnasad, and Fall Equinox. Included in each discussion are complete instructions on the medicinal and magical uses of the herbs associated with each celebration.

Using these Celtic traditions as examples, the author suggests ways to incorporate the symbolic and magical power of herbs into personal rituals that honor all phases of life from childbirth to last rites. Also included are chapters on how to prepare herbal tinctures, salves, and poultices; herbs used by the Druids; herbal alchemy and the planets; and the relationships between herbs and sacred places. Filled with practical information and imaginative suggestions for using herbs for healing, ceremony, and magic, this book is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to age-old herbal practices.

A master herbalist, psychotherapist, and lay homeopath, Ellen Hopman is the author of Tree Medicine, Tree Magic and the video Gifts of the Healing Earth, and co-author of People of the Earth: The New Pagans.
So pick your prize pack and list it in your comments. Best of Luck my loves

31 Days of Samhain: Day 31: Happy Samhain:

As we make passage on the River Styx

I know not what lies ahead,
less of what I’ve left behind,
but I will go to complete
my preterdained journey to the otherworld
as the Ferryman leaves me off
and guides his boat
back to earthly shores.
Kaaren Whitney, The Ferryman

Oh my loves we have made the journey, learned new crafts, watched some awesome movies, created our Samhain oils & incense, released our old goals and made our Celtic New Year's goals.  It's the end of the Celtic Year and the morrow brings a new one, a new dawning and a new beginning. Today at the thinnest point of the veil, we honor out ancestors, those that have come and gone. Light a candle for those who's family lines have died out, those ancestors you may never know and welcome the beloved ones who have passed.

Today is a day to reflect, predict the future & reconnect to Spirit. Wishing you the best and warmest of Samhain blessings. May only those you have loved and miss visit you tonight, and let the lanterns do their best and scare away those spirits that have no lessons to share.

Remember to stay safe, have fun and as always, 
Walk in Light and Love

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Surviving Sandy

Hey my loves, how are yall doing?? is everyone doing okay?? Sandy didn't do too much damage I hope. In CT we made it through, my family & friends made it ok. I am beyond grateful to the Goddess that Connecticut didn't get hit as bad as we were supposed to. Only a few downed trees, lost power, thankfully after the last biotch named Irene we got a generator so this time we had some power until the cable went then the power really wasn't worth having.

Let's all send a prayer for NYC which was hit severely, as well as NJ which was also hit. And anyone else who suffered.

I'll have a proper post up sometime tomorrow. Hope your all doing safe.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Good Witch Blog Party Post

ooops i thought i hit post and apparently i didnt sorry for the late post...
This weekend was the preimiere of the Good Witch's Charm, the newest installment in the series. And this one of course didn't disappoint, much in-line with the previous movies we find Cassie a few weeks after the birth of her newest child, her installment as the town's mayor and of course she still runs the Bell, Book & Candle.  It's a chance to see what's happening in the lives of the family since the last movie, and quite a few changes have actually taken place. It's a family friendly move with lots of lessons to be learnt, and as each movie progresses they seem to get more comfortable adding a little more magic.

Since much of the movie focused on Cassie learning balance as well as finding the right tools or people for the right moment or situation, I will be sharing two different ideas to help along with those.

Spell/Meditation for Balance:
At the moment it's fast approaching Samhain, which is a balance a time when the veil thins and those who wish to visit come home; but there must be balance as well, we must honor our dead love ones while preparing for the winter which is now fast approaching. Being present and being honorable to the past takes a bit of balancing.
One of my fave YTers Flora had a discussion about using stone stacking. This meditation is using stones to focus and meditate while stacking the stones.  As your stacking your should imagine balance, imagine yourself becoming more in tune with yourself, remember becoming centered and feeling yourself return to center to self.

The Spell:
Is a bit of a chant i repeat it over and over until i feel balanced, repeat the part of the phase you feel you need to become in tune with until you feel the energy being balanced.

I am earth
I am air
 I am water
I am fire
I am Spirit 
Balanced and in tune
I am Spirit
I am Goddess personified
I am earth
I am air
I am water 
I am fire
I am Spirit
I am balance
I am one with the Universe
I am Goddess personified

Balance the Chakras to return to center as well, you can meditate on each area and help clear the air and help clean them out and refocus them.  You can also use the blend below to help with the balancing, by simply adding the oil to each area (each specific oil for the chakra) l apply the oil then imagine the chakra being cleaned out. and being opened then spinning in it's proper direction. I release the negative and send positive thoughts to the chakra and imagine becoming in tune.

Chakra Oil more information can be found on the Sun Rose aromatics  website and their pre-made chakra oil blends (which are divine)

Carrier oil *like jojoba*
Essential oil for each chakra
Small bottle to store each oil

Add two to three drops of essential oil at a time until the oil is a strong as you like it.

To use simply massage into or near the corresponding chakra point. DO NOT  PLACE NEAR MUCUS MEMBRANES. so not on the genitals

Well that's it. what have you seen in the new Good Witch's movie that you loved??? Please share in the comments.Happy Samhain...

Friday, 26 October 2012

Follow Up & Follow friday (13)

Welcome back to another fun week of Follow Friday. It's a chance to share about the things I love and think you should take a quick look into.  With Samhain fast approaching I know many of us are looking for more fun ideas of food, drinks and decorations. Some of my fave places to check out are already listed in the last few weeks posts, but I'm going to now link the mundane pages as well.

One of my new faves has got to be: Babble Home, their page on facebook always has some fun ideas. Either on storage, or fun Halloween crafts.  Check out their simply Halloween Craft Ideas. like this one:

There is my new obessession with this page, Infarrantly Creative (oMGosh the most amazing ideas and posts)  there are several writers and two other blogs connected to this one, & they share the most amazing ideas, some I wondered how I never thought of them. The roadkill rescue series, is just divine.

Of course no list of awesome decorating  cooking ideas would be complete without the domestic Goddess herself Martha Stewart & her website Martha Stewart Living
her recipes are simple & elegant, fun and just plain delicious.   I love her magazines & the webpage for all the ideas.

Have a great resource you think we should check out?? Please share in the comments, I'm sure we would love to all check it out. Now on with the show:

Here's a run down of the last week of reading. * indicates an ARC (advanced readers copy of the book)

What I have Read So Far: 

Sweet Talk by Julie Garwood

His Very Own by Jaime Craig

Witch Moon by Maggie Shayne

Recent Reviews Posted: 
What I'm Currently Reading :  
  • Merry Ex-Mas by Sheila Roberts
  • Treachery In Death by JD Robb
  • Beauty's Release 
  • Beauty's Punishment
Will Be Reading Next: 
  • Mercy by Julie Garwood
Well that's my list, what's on yours??? Hasn't exactly been a crazy reading & book posting week, but I'm working on it. Also have you signed up for the Good Witch Charm's Blog Party Hop??

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

31 Days of Samhain: Day 24: Scrying Mirror:

Well it's another day into October and even though i haven't quite made my home the way I wanted to I have gotten quite a bit done this month.  This idea is for something I once made many years ago, when I first came into the craft I made one of these and then promptly forgot about it, then my Mom "cleaned" out my pagan items this was one of the first ones to go.  Since then I haven't really needed it, but now I have advanced enough in my craft to not only want one & also need one.
I went back and found Silver's guide to creating the scrying mirror, then got Flora's visual and her info about using the mirros & I thought I would share with you here. As well as my images of making my newest mirror.
Here is what I have been doing:
  • Small mirror
  • black paint
  • small sponge brush
  • newspaper to catch any spills
  • yarn to be used to make a holder or bag
  • frame to put it on (optional)
Directions: **Takes about two hours to paint & allow to dry.**

Make sure to clean the mirror before you start. I used a vinegar and water mix then prayed over the mirror before starting.
  • Layer paint and allow to dry between each layer.  What I did was allow it to dry then paint in the opposite direction so that no site of the actual mirror was left.

  • You can meditate and concentrate on the purpose of the new mirror, 
  • Once dry you can mount onto a wooden block, using either wood glue, or a glue gun.

I am going to crochet the bag later to hold the scry mirror, the white yarn is to protect the mirror itself and the black is to reflect any negative vibes away.
I am going to also do a blessing before I use it on Samhain.  When I made my first scry mirror as I painted it, I said a prayer as I added each layer, it was a pretty powerful mirror, even if it only got a few uses before it was destroyed.  

One of the things I have done differently as well is to cleanse it and keep it on the altar so that the Goddess and God know it's a new tool and will help keep it from being used in adverse way.  You can wash it with moon water or solar water depending on the energies you want the mirror to have.

Happy Scrying & Be Blessed

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

WINNER!!! For Mrs. B's Book

Congratulations to the winner of Mrs. B's book. The contest ended last night and I got up and choose the winner or rather entered the contestants names and got the answer. And now for the big reveal & the Winner is :

Sweeping Mama (Hilary).

Give her some love everyone.  Hilary, you have 48 hours to let me know if you still want the prize. I've already emailed you about it!!!

Congratulations again & thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting & entering for the contest. I wish I had copies to give everyone but I only have this one.

Book Haul : Library's Big Book Sale

I had the pleasure of having a preview sale at the local library, it was a misunderstanding that lead to some serious awesomeness. Listed as on sale on October 19-22nd, and when I called they said yes it was also that Thursday, so I showed up expecting to do some serious shouldering of people out of the way, but that’s not what happened.

The woman at the door said “umm the big sale starts tomorrow”

ME:” UGH. no, it said online today, friday, saturday & monday; and I called the library and they said it was today… I came all the way here from New Haven for this...” I started to get really angry although I didn’t show it…
then she looked at me and said,” come on in…” & then this happened:
I spent the next two hours roaming free through the thousands of books and the hundreds of shelves gazing at the books and seeking ones that called me. 
I had a specific list, but I figured it I had some of the collection and not the ones I found then they too were coming home; these are the ones that wanted to come home with me. ***I'm going to link to Goodreads so you can see the book blurbs & I will highlight the ones I can't wait to read***    (* indicates a series)
Heather Graham's
*Ghost Night (Goodreads)
*Uninvited (Goodreads)
*Deadly Night (Goodreads)
*Deadly Gift (Goodreads)
Killing Kelly (Goodreads)

Catherine Anderson's:
Bright Eyes (Goodreads)
Here to Stay (Goodreads)
Maggie Shayne's
Twilight Fulfilled (Goodreads)
Prince of Twilight (Goodreads)

Julie Garwood's:
The Lion's Lady (Goodreads)
Ransom (Goodreads)
Jennifer Greene
Where is He Now?(Goodreads)
Blame it On Paris (Goodreads)

Nora Roberts:
The MacKade Brothers: Devin & Shane (Goodreads)

Christine Feehan's:
Dark Curse (Goodreads)  Review
Samurai Game (Goodreads)

Julia Quinn:
Mr Cavendish, I Presume (Goodreads)

Brenda Jackson
Feeling the Heat (Goodreads)
Teresa Medeiros
The Pleasure of Your Kiss (Goodreads)

Jenna McKinght :
Witch in the House (Goodreads)

Jennifer Stevenson
Velvet Chair (Goodreads)

Lora Leigh
Stygian's Honor (Goodreads)

Sohie Kinsella:
Remember Me (Goodreads)
From "New York Times" bestselling chick-lit author Green, along with Coburn and Ireland, comes this irresistible Christmas collection of three sweet, sexy holiday stories where romance is the gift that keeps on giving. Original.
Jane Green:
This Christmas with Jennifer Coburn & Liz Ireland (Goodreads)

Savannah Russe: The DarkWing Chronicle *:
The government knows that Daphne Urban is a vampire, and they have an ultimatum: spy for them, or be killed. The choice is easy. She can speak 13 languages, has a genius IQ, and has escaped detection for nearly five hundred years-making her perfect for Team Darkwing. Her first mission is to get close to Bonaventure, a shady arms dealer with an unexpected gift for seduction. But when Darius, a darkly sexy vampire slayer, begins chasing her, Darius is torn between desire and duty. For his lithe, young prey is also his ultimate temptation.
* Past Redemption (Goodreads)
* Beyond the Pale (Goodreads)

Patricia Briggs:
* Cry Wolf (Goodreads)

Katie MacAlister:
* Light My Fire (Goodreads)

* Lora Leigh's Only Pleasure  (Goodreads)
Carolyn MacCullough's Once a Witch (Goodreads)
Tamsin Greene comes from a long line of witches, and she was supposed to be one of the most Talented among them. But Tamsin's magic never showed up. Now seventeen, Tamsin attends boarding school in Manhattan, far from her family. But when a handsome young professor mistakes her for her very Talented sister, Tamsin agrees to find a lost family heirloom for him. The search—and the stranger—will prove to be more sinister than they first appeared, ultimately sending Tamsin on a treasure hunt through time that will unlock the secret of her true identity, unearth the sins of her family, and unleash a power so vengeful that it could destroy them all. This is a spellbinding display of storytelling that will exhilarate, enthrall, and thoroughly enchant.
And there you have it folks, the end of the big book sale and I got a total of 36, yes 36 books for $9.25. And... I got to help my library not only prevent books from ending up in the dumb but also raise funds for newer books. i just can't wait to dive into these books how about you?? Any good book sales near you?? Why not share some of you nice book adventures or even what you got up to this weekend??

Well Happy Reading

Saturday, 20 October 2012

31 Days of Samhain: Day 19: The Good Witch's Charm Blog Party

The Good Witch's Charm Blog & Twitter Party

Yes, ladies and gents, it's again that fun time, the Good Witch's Charm premieres on October 27th 9/8c. As always the other movies in the series will play right before the new movie premieres, so if you are behind on the movies you can catch up.

As for the blog party aspect, watch enjoy, tweet about it, then on Monday post. Share an idea, recipe, craft anything based on the Good Witch's movies, your only limit is your imagination. On the day of the blog party simply comment on the party post with your party link and we will all swing on by and share some love.  

On the night of the premier we  will meet on twitter, and share our likes and dislikes of the movie, any quotes you love, whatever you want to share. 

Just make sure to grab the button and share all over your blog and let you friends know as well, & of course to make this even more awesome.

I'm doing a giveaway. Yes, on the day of the blog party I will be giving away a copy of the original Good Witch Movie (it's the only thing they have available) your choice is a DVD( $12.00) or a credit on Amazon for the Instant Video ($2.99).

Your entry is a post or tweets, simply tweet on the day of the premier or share your blog post link and that's your entry!! If your tweeting use the following tweets: #GWCharm, #GoodWitchCharm. Use Tweetchat that helps to make you see the conversation.  

Happy Samhain