Saturday 17 November 2012

Book Review: Treachery In Death #32

Book Title: Treachery In Death # 32
Author: JD Robb
Publisher: Putnam Books
Format: Hardcover
Cost: $7.99 (for Kindle & Paperback)
Pages: 375
How I got it: 
My Rating:★★★★☆
Erotica Rating: N/A
Detective Eve Dallas and her partner, Peabody, are following up on a senseless crime—an elderly grocery owner killed by three stoned punks for nothing more than kicks and snacks. This is Peabody's first case as primary detective—good thing she learned from the master. But Peabody soon stumbles upon a trickier situation. After a hard workout, she's all alone in the locker room when the gym door clatters open; and-while hiding inside a shower stall trying not to make a sound—she overhears two fellow officers, Garnet and Oberman, arguing. It doesn't take long to realize they're both crooked—guilty not just of corruption but of murder. Now Peabody, Eve, and Eve's husband, Roarke, are trying to get the hard evidence they need to bring the dirty cops down—knowing all the while that the two are willing to kill to keep their secret.

My Review:
This was a grab you by the throat book. For the first time it's all about Delia Peabody, Eve's right hand gal, from the first to the last you really felt involved in this tale. This has to be one of my favorites in the entire series, especially because Delia gets to run point.  This is one of the great books in the series, to me it's on par with Celebrity In death, everything about this one is great, from the plot, the pacing, the story, the character development, everything adds together to give a great story.

I loved that for the first time it wasn't about Eve and the bad guy, we actually had awesome character development especially for Peabody, I loved the story's pace and the reveal even though It wasn't much of a mystery.  I was on the edge of my seat from the shower scene with Delia until the very end, I gasped when that Detective took a tumble, and was righteously angry when we found out that good cops had been killed, so this biotch could line her pockets. What I really want to know is:  If the father is such a great cop how comes he didn't realize his daughter was a bad cop?? From beginning to the end I was hooked and I read this perhaps the fastest I have read one of these in a long time.

Cons of the Story:
Eve's hard on to keep the case especially when it's clear it belong to Internal Affairs, yes clearly there must be others who are dirty but you're not IAB turn it over  or at least let them take the lead; and stop acting like your the ONLY cop in Central.

Eve really let her hatred for women come out in this one. Her passionate dislike for the female boss (yes I know why) but she really hated everything about the woman, the fact that she played the politics game, the way she dressed, the fact that she had a big office, or made her men actually dress like detectives. Everything opposite of Eve and Eve let it get to her. At the end, with that fight scene, even calling her a pansy for pulling her hair, but it was effective, it got you off her for a few minutes didn't it?? Le Sigh Eve, Le Sigh.

I actually enjoyed how it end Eve really proved herself I just love how well the book moved a definite must read.  There seems to be a novella between Indulgence and Treachery and that story appears to well worth the read, Robb has never hinted so strongly about a story before, must go read those anthologies now then

Happy Reading my loves

 Buy on Amazon                       Add to Goodreads
***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review**** 

Book Review: Fantasy In Death

Book Title: Fantasy In Death #30
Author: JD Robb
Publisher: Putnam Books
Format: Hardcover
Cost: $10.78 or purchase on Marketplace for cheaper
Pages: 356
How I got it: Library
My Rating:★★★1/2
Erotica Rating: N/A
Bart Minnock, founder of the computer- gaming giant U-Play, enters his private playroom, and eagerly can't wait to lose himself in an imaginary world, to play the role of a sword-wielding warrior king, in his company's latest top-secret project, Fantastical. The next morning, he is found in the same locked room, in a pool of blood, his head separated from his body. It is the most puzzling case Eve Dallas has ever faced, and it is not a game. . . . NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas is having as much trouble figuring out how Bart Minnock was murdered as who did the murdering. The victim's girlfriend seems sincerely grief-stricken, and his quirky-but-brilliant partners at U-Play appear equally shocked. No one seemed to have a prob­lem with the enthusiastic, high-spirited millionaire. Of course, success can attract jealousy, and gaming, like any business, has its fierce rivalries and dirty tricks-as Eve's husband, Roarke, one of U- Play's competitors, knows well. But Minnock was not naive, and quite capable of fighting back in the real world as well as the virtual one. Eve and her team are about to enter the next level of police work, in a world where fantasy is the ultimate seduction-and the price of defeat is death. . . .

My Review:
Nerd alert, this book is for all the gamers out there.  To actually be able to finish this book, I had to re see the book the way a fellow reviewer pointed out, she noted that books come two ways: case focused or character driven, this one is clearly case focused.  With that point of view I stopped hating on Eve and just focuses on case, it made it so much easier to read.  I won't say this book is one of my personal favorites from the series but definitely entertaining never the less. Good mystery, still well written even if I despise Eve sometimes.

Even though Eve does learn a lesson in the end of the book, this whole book was about the case. And boy what a case; I mean jeez can you believe.... Wait nope your haven't read it yet, no spoilers then, but again until the end I didn't know who the killer was.   It's brilliantly written, even the reason why the kill did it was well written.  I guess as Eve says, civlization has always found a way to kills each other, the methods change by the reason seem to stay the same.

I get that Eve has a job to do, but sometimes it seems like she exalts in being a bitch, she acts like her job is more important than even corporate secrecy, considering who she is married to you would think she would be a little more considerate, yes I get it your investigating a murder.

Although ti took a little while for me to get into this book, it's actually a pretty good book.  The concept, & the story are all geared towards the gamer community (I'm not a die hard like some of my friends but I still liked having a book about us).

I have realized that Eve is much like Dr. Brennan from Bones, they both were emotionally stunted yet brilliant in their chosen fields.  I love Brennan so I'm going to try to remember her each time I read a Eve book, and give her a chance.  It was good to read, even though Eve tap danced on my last nerve for much of the book.  I still gotta love her  though because she reps and protects my hometown NYC.

Check it out and let me know what you thought. Happy Reading my loves
 Buy on Amazon                            Add to Goodreads
***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review**** 

Thursday 15 November 2012

Small Hiatus

Hi my loves, sorry for no post yesterday, there isn't going to be a Paranormal Telly today and no post tomorrow either. My schedule at work has changed and my normal days off are gone due to someone walking off the job. Now I don't mind the re arranged schedule but it's taking some getting used to. I loved have my two days off to write and read and do chores, my office is looking a wreck right now due to no cleaning time. Well that's why I haven't had a chance to sit down and do some real serious blog posts, other  a few here and there and of course the books!!!   On Saturday I will do the drawing for a copy of Elemental, so you have a few extra days to sign up!!!

Happy Reading & Good Luck to everyone who entered the giveaway

Also Welcome to any new subscribers  it's always fun to see new faces, make sure to comment and leave any ideas for posts you would love to see.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

ARC Book Review: Merry Ex-Mas Tour

Book Title: Merry Ex-Mas
Author: Sheila Roberts
Publisher: Harlequin Mira
Format: ebook, paperback
Cost: $9.59, $10.85
Pages: 320
How I got it: advanced copy from Netgalley
My Rating:★★★★☆
Erotica Rating: N/A
Cass Wilkes, owner of the Gingerbread Haus bakery, was looking forward to her daughter Danielle’s wedding—until Dani announced that she wants her father, Cass’s ex, to walk her down the aisle. Seriously? Even worse, it appears that he, his trophy wife and their yappy little dog will be staying with Cass…. Her friend Charlene Albach arrives at their weekly chick-flick night in shock. She’s just seen the ghost of Christmas past: her ex-husband, Richard, who left a year ago when he ran off with the hostess from her restaurant, Zelda’s. Now the hostess is history and he wants to kiss and make up. Hide the mistletoe! And bring out the hot buttered rum, because the holidays aren’t easy for Ella O’Brien, either. Ella, newly divorced, is still sharing the house with her ex while they wait for the place to sell. The love is gone. Isn’t it? But watch as Christmas brings all kinds of surprises…. Merry Ex-mas, ladies!

My Review:
Just what we all need right?? The Holidays and your worst mistakes come walking back in?? Sounds like hell if you ask me, & I guess if you ask these ladies as well.  This season of misadventure also has a few happy endings, lots of awesome gingerbreads, hot man candy (even if he is a cheater), a ditzy step mom with a heart of gold. I wanted some eggnog and some of these cookies so badly while reading this book. I loved everything about it, there were some strong women all struggling to look & feel amazing while the exes are back in the picture adding to the stress of holiday time.

Then there is a wedding, no rooms at the inn, exes must stay over at the first wife's house, a crazy dog that ruins everything, a community of friends struggling to hold each other up while their own exes come back into town, a overbearing mother who always silently disapproves and the snow & winter. Holy crap I feel exhausted just thinking about it. Sheila's writing is amazing, the characters well thought out and well written, the emotions that each scenario brought up just made you feel for each character. 

I did have a bone (hahaha see what i did there?? yeah I'll stop) to pick with Tiny's owner Ella, who was living with her ex Jake, how couldn't she see what was going on?? Girl should have been a gymnast she jumped through so many hoops for her mama Mims. Grrr that woman, now I wish I knew the words to that Christmas song Jake made for Mims. It must have been awesome to garner so many views.  Wait, here check it out yourself:
Ha!! I'm sure there are many people who would love to share this with their in laws!! I died with laughter when I heard this, after reading the book. Mims deserved it, but now I kinda want to know her story, & why she is the way she is.

Merry Ex-mas is one of those books with lots of laughter, a few tears, lots of gasps, even a few 'wait what??' moments. That darn dog, man it's always the dog.  I even wrote down those recipe hints, after Yule cookies aren't going to bake themselves you know It's a good holiday favourite & of course will be one of mine for a while. Mrs. Roberts spins an awesome yarn or should it be makes a ,,,hmmm I don't know but she writes beautifully & I wouldn't mind seeing this one as Christmas movie.  Make sure to get your copy. You can purchase on Amazon. & Add it to your list of books to read, Check out here on Goodreads

Definitely burn rubber to get it especially for Yule & the Christmas Spirit Holiday reading challenge.  Also make sure to swing on by the other stops in the tour and share some love please!! Happy Reading my loves

Merry Ex-Mas Virtual Book Publicity Tour Schedule
Wednesday, November 7
Thursday, November 8
Book Review at Inside BJ’s Head
Book Review & Guest  Blogging at Always With a Book
Friday, November 9
Guest Blogging & Book Giveaway at Book Review Club
Monday, November 12
Book Review at My Life in Stories
Tuesday, November 13
Book Review & Guest Blogging at Jersey Girl Book Reviews
Book Review at By the Broomstick
Wednesday, November 14
Character Dear Santa Letter at Literarily Speaking
Book Review by By the  Book
Thursday, November 15
Book Review at The Book Hoard
Friday, November 16
Book Review at Miki’s Hope
Monday, November 19
Book Review at Thoughts in Progress
Guest Blogging at Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries and More
Wednesday, November 21
Book Review at Bless Their Hearts Mom
Thursday, November 22
Friday, November 23
Book Review at Hanging Off the Wire
Monday, November 26
Book Review at My Devotional Thoughts
Wednesday, November 28
Book Review at From the TBR Pile
Friday, November 30
Book Review at The Christmas Spirit

Monday 12 November 2012

It's HERE: Falalala Yule Movie Time

Oh my gosh, it's one of my favorite parts of the Yule season. It's the movies, the music, the family functions the parties, but oohhh the movies. I can't wait to see some of them and i even found a place to help with me addiction. It's called It's a Wonderful Movie, this blog has a list and schedule and movie ratings, that are too awesome.

You can check out the full list & schedule here: Christmas 2012 Schedule

Some of the movies I'm looking forward to are:
A Princess for Christmas
Moonlight & Mistletoe
Dear Santa

My Holiday Favorites which I will be watching again & again are:
  • Holidays in Handcuffs, 
  • The Polar Express
  • Home Alone, 
  • Miracle on 34th Street,  
  • The Good Witch's Gift, 
  • Desperately Seeking Santa, 
  • 12 Men of Christmas, 
  • Love Actually, 
  • This Christmas, 
  • 12 Dates of Christmas,  
  • The Family Man
  • Nightmare before Christmas
  • Christmas Cupid. 
There are so many more I can't wait to watch because there is more coming out everyday. I can't wait to dive into all these cheesy movies, & crazy plot lines all centered around the miracle of Yule!!!

Monday Movie Reviews: Flight

Movie: Flight
Run Time: 2hrs 19 mins
Rating: R
My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 

Synopsis: An airline pilot saves a flight from crashing, but an investigation into the malfunctions reveals something troubling.
My Review:

It's Denzel, therefore it's awesome!!! It's not really a typical movie that you would expect from Denzel, it's more character driven than action driven, but well written and pretty awesome.  The movie was well worth it. I enjoyed watching and seeing Captain Whip grow & watching the story unfold about the accident.  I know I was surprised because the preview really don't let oyu in on whats really going to happen in the movie, they only focus on the one aspect which is the accident,

I laughed a bit especially at Whip's friend, & certainly understood Don Cheadle's struggle to get Captain Whip to unsertand exactly what was at stake.  It's amazing acting from the cast & eye opening as well.  Not at all to say the least how much I loved the soundtack, It just made the movie so much better, especially those last 20 minutes especially when Captain Whip was at a crucial point and I just prayed he wouldn't succumb & then .....

It's worth seeing, I loved it &  I'm going to go back and see it again with the girlfriends & have a hen night.

Hope y'all enjoy it as well.  Don't forget to enter in for the Elemental Giveaway!!!!

Saturday 10 November 2012

Erotica Book Review: The Glass Knot

Book Title: The Glass Knot
Author: Lily Harlem
Publisher: Amazon
Format: ebook
Cost: $3.99
Pages: 270
How I got it: Author
My Rating:★★★★★
Erotica Rating: ★★★★★
What’s a girl to do when the guy she falls for is married to another man? This is exactly what happened to me. Seeing Josh Kendal stroll out of the Mediterranean Sea wearing tight navy swim trunks and looking like a hot new James Bond was a truly delicious moment. Catching sight of his wedding ring was like a kick in the shin and meeting his gorgeous husband, phew, that was enough to make any girl groan at the cruel joke God was playing on her. But all was not as it seemed, and when Josh needed a woman to sort out a ‘delicate predicament’ I was the one for the job – heck, what did I have to lose? Certainly not as much as him, literally. Trouble is, emotions always get tangled, loyalties can’t help but be divided and with a night of memories so hot they'd have the devil sweating, there was only one thing for it—it was time to get honest, fight for what I wanted despite society’s constraints and open my heart to the people it needed most. Reader advisory - The Glass Knot is an erotic romance featuring M/M and M/F love and every combination of two guys and a girl you can think of!(less)

My Review:
I'm not even done & i'm in love with this book. I can tell it's going to be a favorite re-read. Lily has a way of writing that is so engaging, raw & real. When she (the author) said she was looking for reviewers I ddidn't even read the premise it's by her so I needed to get it & that's all I need to know!! Just amazing, the characters were all well written, you could feel like they were people you knew or even seeing this happening in real life. They were characters with depth & flaws & issues, even if they were described as being physically perfect. 

Josh was just yummy, Nick was dominating, dark & mysterious. Laura was a fun & fun loving woman, who clearly knew her mind, had a strong will & I just loved that she was willing to take life by the horns. it's funny once I figured out what the premise was I kept flashing back to Samantha from Sex in the city when her best gay friends asked her to be their experiment & the hilarity that ensued from that. I couldn't wait to see how this turned out. It was better than I thought. Hilarious, wrought with emotions, & extremely well written I fell even more in love with the characters. laura's a very brave soul there are many who wouldn't have embraced the changes life brought her or event he opportunity. 

The love scenes??? Wooohooo, I couldn't put it down, this is going on my favorites list & will be a definite re-read!! 

Happy Reading

Friday 9 November 2012

Samhain Big Giveaway Winner Annoucement

Thanks for being patient my loves, this week I have been fighting off a cold, working late and dealing with the emotional highs and lows fo the election. So now without further ado the winners of each item will be listed. You have twenty four *24* hours to get back to me on your prize. After that it's a new winner.  Congratulations to everyone who won, and a Big Heatry Thank you to all our entrants!!1

A Glimpse of the PRIZES: Winners names are next to each prize.

The Carioca Witch is giving away a Samhain Goddess !!!! The Goddess is filled with Mugwort and Cinnamon.
One lucky winner can receive this Doll!!! And the lucky winner is : ALPHABETSY!!!! Wooohooo Go girly!!!

The second prize pack is a few signed books: These books have found a home with SOPHIADAWN!!! Congratulations I just know you will enjoy them. 
Heather's Krewe Hunters first book. & an unsigned copy of Killing Kelly:

a signed copy of Sephanie Chong " The Demoness of Waking Dreams"
and a copy of Rachel Vincent's Shadow Bound

The 3rd prize pack contains the following: lesadora wohoooo I just know you will love it!!

a copy of A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year by Ellen Evert Hofman

For the ancient Druids, the healing and magical properties of herbs were inseparable from the larger cycles of the seasons, the movements of the planets, and the progression of a human life.

A Druid’s Herbal shows the reader how to use herbs when creating rituals to celebrate festivals and significant life passages such as births, house blessings, weddings, funerals, and naming ceremonies.

Drawing on extensive research and a deep personal experience with Pagan traditions, Ellen Evert Hopman explores the history and folklore surrounding the eight major Celtic festivals: Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltaine, Summer Solstice, Lugnasad, and Fall Equinox. Included in each discussion are complete instructions on the medicinal and magical uses of the herbs associated with each celebration.

Using these Celtic traditions as examples, the author suggests ways to incorporate the symbolic and magical power of herbs into personal rituals that honor all phases of life from childbirth to last rites. Also included are chapters on how to prepare herbal tinctures, salves, and poultices; herbs used by the Druids; herbal alchemy and the planets; and the relationships between herbs and sacred places. Filled with practical information and imaginative suggestions for using herbs for healing, ceremony, and magic, this book is an indispensable and comprehensive guide to age-old herbal practices.

A master herbalist, psychotherapist, and lay homeopath, Ellen Hopman is the author of Tree Medicine, Tree Magic and the video Gifts of the Healing Earth, and co-author of People of the Earth: The New Pagans.
Congratulations Again my loves!!!! 

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Winner Annoucement is Delayed:

Yes My loves I know the winners should be shown here right about now, but I like many stayed up later after coming in from a double at my job, I will post later today after I get some serious shut eye. I worked close to 13 hours today and I can't even keep my eyes open for much longer.  I'm truly Sorry

Happy post Election Day

Tuesday 6 November 2012

ARC Book Review: Double Time

Book Title: Double Time (Sinners On Tour)
Author: Olivia Cunning
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Format: Paperback
Cost: $13.99
Pages: 416
How I got it:  From Publisher
My Rating:★★★★★
Erotica Rating: ★★★★★
Olivia Cunning delivers the perfect blend of steamy sex, heartwarming romance, and a wicked sense of humor in this menage story featuring the hottest guy in the Sinners band. Trey Mills, the notoriously sexy Sinners rhythm guitarist, gives up his bisexual lifestyle and is swept into a hot, heady romance with Reagan Elliot, a female rock star sensation. But when Trey encounters Reagan's sexy bisexual roommate, Ethan Conner, he can no longer deny who he is or what he wants. Reagan heartily agrees to a solution that opens up a hot new world of sexual experience—and love—with the two men she wants the most.

My Review:
This is the first book in this series that I have read. Now I have to go back and read the others. this was an exceptional read; when reading all I can think of is where can I sign up to learn to play like Reagan so I can join these bands on tour??  These characters was very amazing with a good and well written story.  

This is apparently apart of a series (which I didn't know when reading it, yes yes I know it says it in the title, but the cover was good looking and I decided to get it to read, I'm sooo glad I did).  This is so well written that you don't have to have read the previous books to love the characters and the story.  As I was reading I kept inserting my favorite rock bands into the mix (talk dirty to me anyone??!!) and seeing the lead characters as men who are in those bands (why yes I'm in love with some serious old school rock bands).  

This is about a rock band on tour and they hold open calls for a new guitarist Trey who is in love with Brian hears Reagan playing and swears it's Brian, he bursts in there demanding Brian stop playing games & comes face to face with Reagan. A kick ass guitarist who is in serious lust with her favorite rock gods and is looking for a way out of her crap job.  (& what a crap job, the way she quit??!! Yeah I was all over that!!)

I must say I seriously enjoyed the heck outta this tale, the characters were well written, fleshed out and just seemed so real. they had their own personal issues, and flaws and insecurities they weren't perfectly written characters, and man were they fun to read. The chemistry with Trey and Reagan then Trey and Ethan OMGosh it was hot. The laughs in this book were plenty along with the hurry up and read it so I can find out what happened moments. Especially a moment between Reagan and Trey that made me go 'yep he's officially in love with her". 

I fell so deeply in love with Trey & Ethan & so badly wanted to yank Reagan by her hair so I could take her place, but yeah I guess it's ok that she has them. Yeah it's a burn rubber must read kind of book. Be on the look out for Hot Ticket, which is the other book in the series, you best believe I'm snagging that one too!!!

Buy on Amazon                            Add to Goodreads

Saturday 3 November 2012

Elemental Blog Tour & Giveaway:

Book Title: Elemental
Author: Kelbian Noel
Publisher: Diverse Pages
Format: ebook & paperback
Cost: $2.99 (unknown for paperback)
Pages: 262
How I got it: Author 
Baltimore Land is a typical teenager whose parents embarrass her completely. She wants nothing to do with her family's beliefs and is convinced their silly rituals only exist to make her life miserable. All she wants is to be normal, but the fact that her parents are witches seriously messes with her social life. She's doing alright, with a boyfriend who seems to like her just the way she is and an awesome best friend who is fascinated by her lifestyle, but she's not the most popular girl in her small Utah town. In fact, she's kind of the town freak. When her boyfriend's ex tries to win him back, Baltimore's emotions get the best of her and she soon realizes her parents' beliefs aren't so silly after all--they're just the beginning.

Why Check It Out??:
One word: Witches, yes yes yes my loves it's got witches!! Why else?? I mean for a book geared towards tween & teens, what I have gotten so far is extremely well written and engaging.  I found myself sneaking to read it while on breaks at work & in between projects. Baltimore is pretty likable from the get go. And of course just check out the book trailer:

And..... there are going to be more books.. say what?!?!?!? Oh yeah, at least four more. And the synopsis for two of them are on the author's blog. Noel's Ramblings.

Of course we also want to hear a little about the author herself:
Kelbian Noel was born on a warm June night in Moncton, New Brunswick. Officially at 11:59pm but registered at 12:01am she technically has two birthdays. Which should mean more cake and gifts, but never really has. 
From a very young age, she loved to read. She found herself engulfed in novels by Janette Oke and L.M. Montgomery, but never seemed to find herself in the pages. At the age of 11 she declared she would simply have to rewrite them, and become the youngest author in history. But life was full of baseball, homework, best friends and boys.
Decades later, having studied writing in college and pursued it as a career, she rediscovered her hobby. She is excited to introduce The Elementals to the world with hopes someone will love the beginning of this epic story as much as she does.
Kelbian lives in Toronto, Ontario with her two children (where, thanks to thick layer of smog, Junes are much warmer than they used to be). 
 How to Find her:u
Blog: Noel's Ramblings

and now of what we have all been waiting for: The GIVEAWAY
Courtesy of the author herself, there are earrings, several oils & a Coexist bumper sticker!!! ***This just in, a copy of Elemental is going to be added to the mix!!!!!! Yes, just spoke with the author and she is giving one lucky reader a copy of the book along with all this swag. Now I'm seriously jealous,..oh wait...I have the book and I'm in get your copy too!!!*****

And I'm going to be just as generous and make this TWO winners!!!! Yes ladies and gents, one winner for the book & swag and another for just the book. now there are two chances of diving into this book!!!
Ahh man I so wish I could enter this competition but sadly I can't. Bummer, but you can, so check below for the rules on how to enter:

1) You must be a subscriber of my blog or youtube channel. *you can sign up today too*
2) Fill out an entry in the comment section with your name.

3) Have a legit blog name or screen name where I can email you for the prize (Open Id, blogger name, etc)
4) You can gain extra chances to win by Blogging, Tweeting,share on FB about the giveaway, comeback and share the link in the comment section 

5) Comment after you link and let me know which prize your entering for!!

Each comment counts as 1 extra entry. Entry must be submitted by November 14, 2012 at midnight. Winners will be announced on November 15, 2012.  This prizes are open to all. An entry in no way guarantees a winning submission, Winners will be chosen by  No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

And...Go!!!! Good Luck my loves

Book Review: Temptation In a Kilt

Book Title: Temptation in a Kilt
Author: Victoria Roberts
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Format: ebook, paperback
Cost: $6.99
Pages: 352
How I got it: ARC from Sourcebooks
My Rating:★★★★☆
Erotica Rating:N/A 
She's On Her Way to Safety
It's a sign of Lady Rosalia Armstrong's desperation that she's seeking refuge in a place as rugged and challenging as the Scottish Highlands. She doesn't care about hardship and discomfort, if only she can become master of her own life. Laird Ciaran MacGregor, however, is completely beyond her control...
He Redefines Dangerous...
Ciaran MacGregor knows it's perilous to get embroiled with a fiery Lowland lass, especially one as headstrong as Rosalia. Having made a rash promise to escort her all the way to Glengarry, now he's stuck with her, even though she challenges his legendary prowess at every opportunity. When temptation reaches its peak, he'll be ready to show her how he really is...on and off the battlefield

My Review:

Ok I confess, when I requested this book I had no idea what it was about. that cover??? Was all I needed, I mean it's a hot man in a kilt what more can you want?? I clicked it I just HAD to have it. no need to know what it's about when the cover sells it. then of course I read it & absolutely loved it!!!

i enjoyed the characters in the book, the love story and even how quickly the book pulled you in & how the story quickly it moved Poor Rosalia, she had a real tough life, her mom sounds like a horrible human, a spoiled brat who is used to getting whatever she wants and holds that over her child, you know the type the ones who never wanted to be a mother & insists that the child ruined their figure?? Yeah that's Rosalia's mom, that moment in Rosalia's bedroom?? OMGosh when you read that scene you will know what I'm talking about, for the few pages I was freaking out like wait ...noooo.. it can't be.  

The love story that forms between them is just pretty awesome, I loved Ciaran he was perfect for Rosalia.  Ciaran made for an interesting male lead, he wants so much but expects so little for himself.  I really loved his brother, and even the mystery that forms is just amazing.

Ciaran's & his brother's attitude towards Beathag a 'leman' was once considered a position of 'honor'.  Don't laugh, many women who were 'leman' were later married to others of higher social standing or in the case of Ann Boylen ended up becoming Queen.  It's historically inaccurate to go at her like that. A leman was considered a lady of the house when there was no lady married to the lord. She had all the responsibilities of taking care of the home.  I really disliked how Ciaran would call her a whore,even though he was the one to make her into one.  Your the one sleeping with her and 'using' her services, so what does that make you??

Four out of five stars, I really enjoyed the novel despite this attitude,  it was a great historical romance.  Happy Reading I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Must add to the top of the reading pile. i can't wait to read the other brothers stories, they promise to be a good fun rump through the Highlands.  Don't forget to Add to Goodreads

Happy Rumping through the Highlands