Sunday, 14 March 2010

Spring has almost Sprung

Witty title i know. So what have i been up to you ask??

Well for the last few weeks i have been crafting up a storm,my best friend and three of her family members are expecting so i have been crocheting and creating gift baskets galor. Im super excited because im trying new projects and using different yarns, So far i created four different sock bags, four sets of booties and now im working on a brown and green blanket (hell if she doesnt like it ill take it back )

In other news: My dreads are growing nicely and school is coming along nicely. i cant wait for the semester to be over so i can work my butt off during the summer for another great semester in the fall.

Im super excited because everything is just falling into place and i cant wait until im done so i can start traveling all over. Omigosh im super excited about my practicum which i can do overseas if i want (can you say HELL yeah).
Other than school and crafting i havent had a chance for much else. Im super happy about my new laptop (it's mine all mine no more sharing a computer) so i can put up all my own bookmarks and have any background i like
on the health front i have been slacking a little lately i havent brought any food with me to school in a few days and i bought food the other day nothing healthy like before i really want to get in shape for summer so so i have to buckle down and get to it,

and a new plan is in motion: ill let you know once everything is in place.
) but thats all for now

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