Thursday, 13 October 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Movies and Shows of the Season

Hello dear readers,

What would October be without some ghouls, zombies and ghosts?? It actually would be September, just colder...ok ok I'll put away the geeky humor and get to the point.

This is the time of year when muggles allow their fears to roam free, they (we) seriously enjoy indulging in all things scary just so that the rest of the year they (we) can go about their (our) lives without that fear. This is of course one of the best time for horror film fans, I'm personally not much for the horror genre,

When I was a child the scariest movie I ever saw was Night of the Living Dead, not the new stuff I'm talking the original 1968 film version, scary as heck, watching those people try to find a way to live and everywhere they turned there were zombies.

Alfred Hitchcock's the Birds still makes me side-eye the heck out of birds especially if it seems they are following me. Talk about a scary movie, the scene with the kids in the school??!?!? To this day gives me willies.

Another one I thought I would through up as new classics are 28 Days Later, and 28 Weeks Later, horror on horrors right?? Scary part is these movies you can TOTALLY see coming true.
And of course we can't have Halloween without the King of the Season King Jack Skellington, yes I know it says the Nightmare Before Christmas, but isn't truly a Halloween movie?? 
I do have a few I will be checking out this season including the premiere of a favorite, which just the thought of that actually taking place gives me the willies. 
Well this season's premier of Walking Dead is on October 16,2011,  at 9pm EST are you excited? The Com Con video is too awesome to boot and man can I tell you, I'm scared and want to run but I just can't help but watch it. What would you do? Would you try to survive or would you quit?? If you haven't had a chance to catch up on the series, they are now available on Netflix,  They also have some web episodes to wet the appetite and answer some questions from last season's premiere, they explained all about 'bicycle girl". Can I say it's really good!! And not to be all dark and gloomy, I also have a romantic movie for the season and a link back to last season's recommendations.
Last year we had the Good Witch's Blog Party, to celebrate the premier of a new addition to the series, this year there is another installment called the Good Witch's Family, it picks up from after the family has blended together, and let's us know what has been happening since the wedding.
The Good Witch's Family is having a family coming to visit, and of course, witchyness runs in the family, 
and of course she bring mayhem right along with her,  and it seems that Cassie is running for Middleton mayor, I'm sure the mayor's wife loves that....
ohh the trouble that's a brewing in Middleton is going to be fun to watch, movie premiere's on October 29th on the Hallmark channel.
Season Survival Tip: Remember when a boogie shows up at your door and says "Trick or treat", don't answer, the tricks are deadly and the treats, well let's just say only another monster would enjoy those!! Have fun checking out the series for Samhain my loves and I will see you later.  Be Blessed

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