Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Book Review: Celebrity in Death

Book Title: Celebrity in Death
Author: JD Robb
Publisher: Piakus Books
Published: Feb 2012
Cost:  $27.95
Pages: 294
How I got it:  Library
My Rating: ★★★★★
Lieutenant Eve Dallas is no party girl, but she’s managing to have a reasonably good time at the celebrity-packed bash celebrating The Icove Agenda, a film based on one of her famous cases. It’s a little spooky seeing the actress playing her, who looks almost like her long-lost twin. Not as unsettling, though, as seeing the actress who plays Peabody—drowned in the lap pool on the roof of the director’s luxury building.Talented but rude, and widely disliked, K. T. Harris had made an embarrassing scene during dinner. Now she’s at the center of a crime scene—and Eve is more than ready to get out of her high heels and strap on her holster, to step into the role she was born to play: cop (Via Goodreads)
My Review:
I'm never skipping ahead in a series, ever again. OMGosh so many spoilers all because I skipped ahead and had to read this one.  I keep hinting about my Eve issues and I will lay them out in a post I swear, but let's just say Eve has addressed most of them in this book, not all but most. One of the major things is due to the total number of books and the amount of years they have been coming out I also assumed the timeline within the books moved with us, so I thought Eve & Roarke had been together way longer than just 2 1/2 years (which she addresses in the book); now I feel like crap for some of my assumptions about Eve.

In this new installment Eve is dealing with her own celebrity statues due to a movie coming out based on  the book written by Nadine Frost, which is based on a previous case the Icove cloning case. (from the book Origin in Death).  While dressed to the nines and at a swanky celebrity party someone is killed & it becomes a game of clue *literally* with Eve and Peabody becoming primaries on the case, trying to solve the murder.

This time I was totally clueless about who did it up until the last few chapters where she laid it all out for us; which makes a great mystery novel. I was hooked on this story and was fascinated and intrigued by the changes that took place within Eve. She was also cleaning up the loose ends from previous novels (that I skipped over) now I have to figure out what the heck happened in Dallas, that changed Eve so much.  Unlike previous novels Eve has grown somewhat, so whatever happened in Dallas was profound & finally pushed her to grow & get comfortable with herself & Roarke.

I just wish she didn't wait until shyt hits the fan in a case before she grew; but I guess we all change differently.  This time around she has embraced being Roarke's wife a little more. She isn't afraid to use the resources being the wife of a wealthy man gets her at least for the purpose of a case.  She has even embraced *a little*  the clothes aspect of it. I might have to fight her for the coat Roarke gave her, and those boots too.

A great read, a burn rubber kind of book.  Happy Reading
Be Blessed

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