Saturday 7 April 2012

Book Review: Dark Descent

Book Title: Dark Descent
Author: Christine Feehan
Publisher: Leisure Books
Cost; $6.99
How I Got it: Personal Library
My Rating:  ★★★★★
They came from the darkest places: secluded monasteries, the Carpathian mountains, galaxies under siege. They were men with the blackest pasts-warriors, vampire monks, leaders of armies-but whose passions burned like dying stars. They had one purpose: to find those women who fulfilled them, completed them, and made them rage with a fire both holy and profane. They sought soul mates whose touch consumed them with desire, yet whose kisses refreshed like the coolest rain. And each man knew that for him there was only one true love-and in finding her, he would find salvation. 
My take on the book:
This is a short story, an anthology with featuring three awesome authors. I personally picked this one up for Christine's addition to the Dark series.  I can say that the smaller books have better plots, and better characters.  Much like the other anthology which contained Dark Hunger; Dark Descent features a a Carpathian who actually cares about his mate.

This installment introduces us to Traian, who was one of the many warriors sent out by the Prince to rid the world of the dreaded vampire.  In doing his duty of ridding the world he is tricked by vampires who are now working together and he becomes trapped in a cave by these vampires who are seeking to find a hidden treasure.

Joie Sanders, who is recovering from a recent brush with death. she has been seeing a man in her head and having discussions with him for months.  Driven by a need to find out if she is losing her mind or if the man is real she plans a trip with her siblings; she chooses to go caving in the Carpathian mountains.  Finding the cave, Joie ignores the voice in her head that warns her away, her siblings who feel seriously uneasy and goes into the cave. From there we have one of the better stories of lifemates. Joie isn't a simpering scared female, she has her own power and knows how to use it. She is strong, and knowledgeable, she also knows when she is outgunned and doesn't see it as an affront to her Independence to let someone more verse in dealing with the situation take over. I love her character and I love Traian because he wasn't afraid to embrace his lifemate and her strengths. He actually talked to her way before he attempted to get into her body. The lust and hot smoking sex was there but, the friendship was formed over weeks of talking and sharing with her who he was,a nd absorbing who she was.

I really like this one and would willingly re-read this book again, because it was so amazing.  It was of course a way to advance the story and share more of what the vampires are doing and why so many are changing so fast.  It advances the whole story line while giving us a beautiful story that was both romantic and fun, with an adventure thrown in.

Happy Reading

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