Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Happy Founders Day: 105 Years to the

the First, the Finest, the 20 Pearl wearing Sisters of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc!!!

105 years ago a Great Lady Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, & 8 Ladies formed the Original Nine including: Anna Brown, Beulah E, Burke, Lillie Burke, Margorie Hill, Margaret Flagg Holmes, Lavinia Norman, Lucy D. Slowe, Marie Woolfol Taylor. 
In 1910, a sophomore Class was inducted including: Norma Boyd, Ethel J Mowbray, Alice P Murray, Sarah M. Nutter, Joanna B. Shields, Carrie E Snowden, Harriet J Terry, 

AKA was incopoerated in January 29, 1913 by the following Pearls: Norma Boyd, Julia E Brooks, Ethel Jones Mombray, Nellie M Quander, Nellie Pratt Russell, and Minnie B. Smith.

Three times imitated, Never duplicated, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated is the First!!! Have been making a History of firsts since 1908 :

105 years of Service to ManKind, "So let my life like the Ivy be, a help to man, and a wreath for Thee" 

May the Ivy Live on for many more years with continued Service and Promotion of Education Among Young College Women.


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