Tuesday, 18 September 2012

ARC Book Review: Mark of the Witch

Book Title: Mark of the Witch (Goodreads/ Amazon)
Author: Maggie Shayne (author's website)
Publisher: Harlequin Mira
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Cost: $7.99
Pages: 352
Due Out: Septenber 18, 2012
How I got it: Book Expo America 2012
My Rating:★★★★★
Erotica Rating: ★★★★★
A lapsed Wiccan, Indira Simon doesn't believe in magic anymore. But when strange dreams of being sacrificed to an ancient Babylonian god have her waking up with real rope burns on her wrists, she's forced to acknowledge that she may have been too hasty in her rejection of the unknown. Then she meets mysterious and handsome Father Tomas. Emerging from the secrecy of an obscure Gnostic sect, he arrives with stories of a demon, a trio of warrior witches-and Indira's sacred calling. Yet there's something even Tomas doesn't know, an inescapable truth that will force him to choose between saving the life of the woman he's come to love-and saving the world.

My Review:
This book was everything awesome. It's a bewitching read, by a witching author (hahahha see what I did there?? Yeah okay I'll stop nerding out)  I didn't know until I say the preview for Legacy of a Witch what it was about. Maggie is an author I automatically pick up. I had the awesome pleasure of meeting her at the Harlequin book Signing at BEA:
Can I just say she was awesome?!?!? Friendly, warm and willing to sign an older copy of a book I had that she had written years ago. How cool was that??  Well, anyway, I picked up the book because it's by her and she is awesome, and in this book she has written did not disappoint.

The book has long lost loves, romance, witches, ancient history, reincarnation, and of course a kick ass heroine and a slightly dented hero. I loved the story line and how well it flowed, the heroine wasn't an idiot and she fought like hell to hang onto her idea of herself, but when faced with no other choice she embraced it. A lapsed Wiccan??! Why yes I can see why she would end up that way, her reasoning and reasons for leaving the Craft are actually pretty familiar, which made me love her even more, I could understand why she did, and even the transformation she would eventually have to go through.

 I loved that Maggie knows what she is talking about when writing these book; after all she is a witch too, she doesn't make ti too out of the realm of possibility but she doesn't make it mundane either. And the struggle of Tomas?? All too real.  I also loved when Rayne would call Indy out on her bigotry while pointing out the good of all faiths. It was refreshing and wonderfully written.  The magick within the story was so amazing to read, the lore, the background of the story, was all well placed and setup beautifully by the novella Legacy of the Witch.  This book was enchanting and gripping right from the beginning. I knew some of the things that were going to happen only because I have a suspicious mind and really tried my best to guess, sometimes I was right. a few times I was wrong.  I loved that it was it's own story whole laying out the rest of the series, and of course the main story. (because i know I'm not the only one who notices, now that a lot of authors cut the story off just so you will read the others O_O)

Now, I know I gave it five erotica stars and that has more to do with the love scenes than an actual making love scene, although that one was sweet as well. See I love the buildup the romance of it all and this one had it in spades, the couple just felt pulled together and their kisses alone were hot hot hot. it's not your typical romance, nor is it a hide it from your mama erotica, but it's still singe worthy. Their love is awesome and I can't wait to find out more about other sisters and about Demetrius. It was fun, it was funny it was enchanting and i loved every second of reading it. makes me wish I had the other two stories to read right away.

This is shaping up to be an awesome series. I can't wait until December when the next one is released.
This is a burn rubber to get it, finish it a few hours book, yeah I skipped all the chores today, just so I could finish it.

Happy Reading my loves

***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review****

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