Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Book Review: Crochet One Skein Wonders

Book Title: Crochet One Skein Wonder
Author: Judith Durant
Publisher: Storey Publishing
Format: ebook
Cost: $10.42
Pages: 288
How I got it: Netgalley 
My Rating:★★★★★
Erotica Rating: N/A
Finally, a One-Skein Wonders book just for crocheters! Edie Eckman and Judith Durant offer 101 great crochet projects--from jewelry and scarves to bags, hats, dresses, and home dec items--that each use just one skein of yarn. Whatever your experience level, you'll find something here to delight you!

My Review:
Hello my name is Aisha and I am a yarn addict.  I love yarn, the feel the smell of fresh wool, I love moving my hook and watching a new project forming. I love creating scarves, hats, baby booties & afghans, crocheting works way faster than knitting (although I love that too).  I have seen so many one skein wonder books, but when I saw one for crocheting I had to jump for it of course.  And I don't regret it, I will have a good ten more projects on the hooks by time I get this book in hardcover.

It has an easily adaptable kindle cover project that I have started on as quickly as I started reading the book.  I am deeply in love with this and can't wait until I purchase more yarn and different varieties so that I can actually make it through the book.  I never realized that there were so many different kinds of yarns, I have gone into a local yarn shop and fell in love and stayed and stayed until she had to kick me out so that she could close. I haven't enjoyed so much yarn and the different textures in forever and I'm now going through my yarn at home and looking at it like "your not worthy to be on my needles, I need REAL yarn" Bamboo silk recycled saris, Goddess I have never been so in love with skeins, hanks and roving oh Goddess the roving, a spinning wheel, and and the wonderful wonderful yarn that flows through your fingers and makes you want to dive into the pile. Yep it's official I am now a yarn addict.

I'm so excited.  Please get a copy if your a yarn lover and crochet fanatic.  It's well worth it.

**FTC regulations require that I state I received this book for free from the publishers in exchange for an honest review**
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***FTC Rules require I state that I received this as a review copy from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review**** 

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