Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Christmas Spirit Blog Post 3: Yule Erotic Reading

Book Review: A Gift of Gold
Author: Ann Jacobs
Publisher: Ellorascave
Cost: 0.99 ($1.49)
Pages: 69 

My Rating:★★★1/2
Erotica Rating: :★★★1/2 
How I got it: Purchased

It's Christmas at Summerfield Castle and the deVere twins, Gavin and William, have always shared everything. Their women are no exception.
Now the younger twin, Gavin, is pledged to marry Lady Evelyn fitzSimmons to provide him with estates. He fears the wealthy widow may dampen his lusty pleasures…but she has other plans.

My Review:
I’m a big fan of historical novels, I’m also a big fan of history and Christmas lore, so I was super excited to find a book that combined all of the above.  As a novel the story needed to be fleshed out more, which granted can't be done in a novella which this book is, I certainly wanted to know more about the family history, the parent's story sounded like it could have been an amazing story.

As an erotica, the sex scenes were pretty erotic & steamy.  I loved that she threw in some historical accuracies including the old rituals pertaining to marriage, I enjoyed the by play between the couples, & was slightly creeped out my Meggie's sire's actions.  I loved that Meggie was all for finding out if it was her money that Gavin wanted or if it was her.  They never knew what hit them & I loved it!!

I however couldn't really stand the "Old English" that truly wasn't real Old English but I can't argue with that in a romance novel, other than that the book was actually pretty good. I wish to read more about the other family members.

It's a good quick read. 
Enjoy the Yule bedfurs!!

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