Sunday, 25 December 2011

12 Days of Mithra-Mas: Day 1

 "On the first day of Christmas 
my true love gave to me, 
a partridge in a pear tree"
--18th century Christmas Carol
December 26

According to the original version of the song the lyrics are in French, and instead of the word "pear" it's Perdrix actually said "perdee" which is french for partridge, the belief is that the writer simply copied the song down wrong which changed the line to it's current phrasing.  
There are many animals of the Solstice birds seem to be the biggest ones represented. Let's start with the one found in the first lyric:
" On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, A Partridge in a Pear Tree..."

There are many meanings of Partridge within each cultural and religious context. for some it can symbolise: Fertility, Community, Mobility, femininity, invisibility, holding ones ground in a tight spot. Knowing when to remain silent. 
While the Pear tree symbolises:  Immortality, female symbol. 

Perdix, "Lord of the Pear Trees", was one of Athens most sacred kings, when he was cast into the sea to die, his goddess, Athena, carried him to Olympus, in the form of a Partridge.

- When the legend of "The Partridge in a Pear Tree", was made into a Christmas Carol, the symbol of Christ was substituted for Lord Perdix.

In Greek and Roman mythology, pears are sacred to three goddesses: Hera (Juno to the Romans), Aphrodite (Venus to the Romans), and Pomona, a Roman goddess of gardens and trees.

In Europe, it was customary to plant a fruit tree at a wedding. The longevity and fruitfulness of the trees were thought to give strength to the marriage and children. As each child arrived, an apple tree was planted for every boy, and a pear tree for each girl.

In Russia, pears were used as protective charms for cows.

The ancient Chinese, believed that the pear was a symbol of immortality. (Pear trees live for a long time.) In Chinese the word "li", means both "pear" and "separation". For this reason, tradition says that to avoid a separation, friends and lovers should not divide a pear.
How you can incorporate the theme:

  • Wood Burn the pattern much like the picture from the Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Symbols.
  • You can print the image and simply colour it and frame it, hang it as a symbol for Athena
  • You can create a small pear tree, using twigs with few made leaves, then create a pear, and even a partridge you can place it on the dining table as a centrepiece. 
  • Crochet Pattern: from Coats and Clark
Perdix and Pear Meaning
Partridge meaning

Happy First Day of Mithramas!!!


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Thank You and Goddess Bless.