Tuesday 26 July 2011

101 Grrreat Quickies...

Title: 101 Grreat Quickies
Author: Laura Corn
Pages: 101
List Price: $25.95
How I got it: Purchased
My Review:
Yes, the title does say it all.

I got this book, years ago, and saved it for when I had a partner I could trust. I have since purchased the book again, because it's that good and that fun. It's split into his challenges,and her challenges each appears to be envelops, with 'jeans' like zippers, that each partner gets to unzip, one at a time, whatever is in the envelop you with both enjoy.  There are a ton of fun titles like:

  • Fox Hunt- For Him to Unzip
  • How Far will you go- For Her to Unzip
  • Lace Me down- For Her to Unzip
  • Half time Love Snack- For Him to Unzip
She even gives some great advice in the beginning to both partners, especially to the men about the appropriate time to hand out the envelops. Gotta love it because each one is set to push your buttons just a little bit further, nothing too raunchy, and nothing too dark. Just a little light fun.

If your looking for a way to help spice up your sex life this is one of the books to get. It's fun, and you never quite know what's coming up next.
Wild Card: The presenter and the presentee will retire to the bedroom for some erotic channel surfing. You will grab his remote and push his buttons, until his batteries are completly drained
There are also two other books in the series worth checking out: 101 Nights of Grreat Romance, and 101 Nights of Grreat Sex.  They are well worth the price, especially now that Borders is closing you can probably stock up on them for pretty cheap!!

Way too much fun!!!!
Go Enjoy!!1

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