Tuesday 1 January 2013

It's 2013!!!

Wind from the West, fish & bread
Wind from the North cold & flaying
Wind from the Wast, snow on the hills.
Wind from the South, fruit on trees.
~ Scottish New Year weather Omen 

Huzzahh!!! We have managed to survive and come stumbling into another year. It's shiny and new, make sure to leave all of your bad habits in 2012, and get this party started right with some serious fun and good wishes for ourselves, and the world at large (Goddess knows we need to send some serious love energy out).

May the new year bring with it many blessings, opportunities, loves, lots of laughter, and happiness for each of you.

In many traditions, (including mine), practitioners look to the weather for the next twelve days to see what the year will hold for them.   In the book "The Celtic Spirit" by Caitlin Matthews for today she suggest going for a walk with the intention of receiving the omens of what the next twelve months will be like for you. The way to do this is to basically do a walking meditation, don't rationalize why an omen or action happened, simply accept it, walk and note twelve different occurrences, (ex: a bird suddenly taking flight, a tree dancing near you, a sudden image that draws your eye), once you have twelve, return home and write them down, as the months pass, look back and the omens and see if they helped prepare you for what was to come. Then next year you can look back on each & see how many were accurate.

Information from The Celtic Spirit by Caitlin Matthews: Jan1
Well Happy New Year & Many Blessings this new year, new month and New week!!!
Be Blessed and Safe my loves

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