Wednesday, 23 January 2013

KWW: Making your own Toothpaste & Mouthwash

Welcome back to another week of Kitchen Witch Wednesday this week I'm sharing a different kind of craft from your kitchen, today we are making toothpaste:
I have many different books on spas on healthy eating, healthy facials and tons of books for recipes on soaps and scrubs, and none of them, absolutely none of them discuss teeth, they talk about your head, your feet, your whole body in between & yet teeth get lost in the mix.  I have sensitive teeth, some of it due to drinking soda, & some of it is just how my teeth have been since I was little.  As I have grown and changed and evolved in my green lifestyle the one thing no matter what else I backslide on I never ever backslide on my toothpaste, I switched to Toms of Maine over eight years ago and I haven't looked back since, I once was out overnight without toothpaste and didn't want to not brush so I used a friends' (insert name brand, Lol I don't want to be sued so just think of one of the popular brands and you have it) toothpaste, I bitterly regretted it, the next morning my mouth ached and my gums felt like they were on fire and I ended up with two sores in the side of my cheeks, yeah next time I will go without brushing to save myself the hassle.

I know that Toms of Maine has since been purchased by the company that gave me mouth sores (lol yeah now you know who it is). And I feel some kind of way about that, I mean as far as I have seen they haven't changed anything beyond the packaging, but who is to know really.  So I went looking for alternatives, many of them are ridiculously expensive, so I decided why not make it myself??   Here are the recipes I have found that work for me:
Making you own toothpaste is actually simple your going to need the following:

  • A clean jar or toothpaste tube 
  • baking soda
  • White Cosmetic clay
  • vegetable glycerin
  • coconut oil
  • essential oils: clove, orange, tea tree, thyme, peppermint/spearmint, 
  • finely ground sea salt
  • tincture of myrrh
  • whisk (use silicone not metal) & bowl (use glass) & funnel (if placing in a tube), measuring spoons (non metal)
  • Cosmetic Clay is gently abrasive & is great for plague removal. It also contains minerals that will help rebuild teeth enamel.
  • Vegetable glycerin is for consistency & acts a base to dilute the essential oils into.  It has a sweet taste so little ones will like the taste of the toothpaste
  • Myrrh tincture works on gum inflammation. You can find it in your local food store or make your own if your into making your tinctures.  it is both anti-inflammatory, & an astringent.  Great for those suffering from periodontal disease.
  • Essential Oils: orange/peppermint/spearmint: to freshen the breath.  clove is for pain relief as it's a mils anaesthetic  great for sensitive teeth and can be used to combat pain caused by cold, sweet or hot foods & drinks.

For sensitive teeth:
  • 1/4 cup cosmetic clay
  • 1/4 cup vegetable glycerin
  • 20 drops tincture of myrrh
  • 4 drops of orange & clove essential oils
Whisk until ingredients are smooth, place in jar or tube. Store in a cool dark place and use within six months.  

For Periodontal Disease:
  • 1/4 cup white cosmetic clay
  • 1/8 cup baking soda & finely ground sea salt
  • 1/2 cup vegetable glycerin
  • 20 drops tincture of myrrh
  • 8 drops tea tree & thyme essential oils
Again whisk ingredients until ingredients are smooth. Place in jar or tube & store in dark place, Use within six months.

Mouthwash for Fresh breath:
  • Add 1/2 tsp tincture of myrrh & 1 drop each of tea-tree & peppermint oils, to 1 cup of warm water.  Each time you brush gargle with this solution afterward.
A quick tip if you are short on toothpaste you can brush with fine ground salt & apple juice. The salt tightens the gums & the juice gently whitens. make sure to rinse thoroughly.

Coconut Oil Toothpaste:
  • 1/2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
This will make enough to brush properly.

Oil Pulling is an ayurvedic method of helping to clean teeth and balance the enzymes in your mouth.  Doing this daily before brushing teeth will help with breath & teeth health.
The method is quite simple, before eating or drinking anything in the morning: take 1=2 teaspoons of raw organic sesame oil and simply 'pull' through your mouth trying your best to rub against your teeth as much as possible. Do this for 20 mins, I do it while showering and starting my morning routine.  When the oil looks milky white it's time to spit it out, do not swallow if you can help it. Make sure to brush after,   Recipe and idea are from an ayurvedic teacher I had years ago, but you can also get an idea here.

Many years ago when I first became obsessed with making my own soap I stumbled on BrambleBerry.  and I have been in love ever since. They stock a variety of essential oils that are excellent and smell amazing, their synthetics line is good as well, however for our purpose you will need the true essential oils, especially since the Body Shop has seemed to stop stocking real essential oils like they once did.  But one of the best places for organic supplies of course will be Mountain Rose Herbs.  You can of course go local as well to get as many of these as you can.

Information & recipes, derived or received from Group 7, card 2 natural beauty in the Complete Guide to Natural Healing.  And my own research, 

Good Teeth health to you and yours!! happy experimenting

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