Sunday, 15 August 2010

Sacred Pampering Ritual:

So my loves its our third week of Pampering, have you begun to take time for yourself at all? Have you done something that for you this week?

Today I think we should indulge. Indulge in something fun,  or something good.

Today. although I am on a new life plan ( I'm not calling it a diet, I don't do things that start with "die") Don't.Gimme. Me. That. Look. I decided to indulge in something good. For dinner i made Chicken Parmesan, with fresh made Tomato Sauce, served over whole wheat pasta. And for dessert (oh yes i indulged) in a small slice of devil's food chocolate cake.

Ahhhh,  yes that chocolate cake was delicious. Even though I really enjoyed the slice, I enjoyed it even more because I knew I had earned it.

Plus to tell the truth, since I made the cake so I know what went into it.
I'll put up the recipe on this Wed's Kitchin Witchin recipe post.

But just indulge in something good for yourself. Take the time to do something that would normally make you feel guilty. But it being a good pampering day we are not just indulging in the simple act of eating a piece of cake; it has been shown that those little moments actually help to stretch out the sense of happiness and satisfaction. Instead of indulging only once in a huge purchase or event, its best to do small things for yourself.

As always
Happy Pampering my loves

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