Monday 29 November 2010


Hello my loves
I am so excited in the next few days there will be the new series launched for Yule!! The 21 days of Yule, if you haven't had a chance to sign up to show your Yuletide decorations, and recipes, or whatever else Yule means to you, please check out the button on the side bar!!!
In just one short day the page is going to be changed and updated so keep a keen eye out. I can't wait til the Solstice gets here I am slowly (yes already) putting out my decorations and changing and getting into gear, I have been slowly listening to Yule music, now I'm in full swing of Yule.
Are you excited about Yule? I know I am!!
Blessed Be my loves


  1. I think I am ready too! The tree is up and decorated. There are some other things I want to do yet, but its underway!

  2. @ Sophiadawn i can't wait I love Yule!! I am putting up the tree today, once i finish cleaning the carpet from the family visiting.
    Have fun decorating
    Blessed Be

  3. do we need to re-sign up? the linky says "heads up" or something like that, and there is only a few of us there.

  4. @Susan , no need to re-sign up, just wanted to let those who hadn't signed up yet that it was still there.
    Yay today's the first day
    Blessed Be


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Thank You and Goddess Bless.