Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Series Review: Rachel Caine's Weather Warden

Hi my loves

this week i will be talking about an amazing series by Rachel Caine named the Weather Warden. Now I haven't had the chance to complete the whole series  (I'm working on it I swear) but the books I have read are just mind boggling and amazing. Makes you look at the weather differently and wonder how much better would the world be if there really were people with the ability to control the weather, but then I think about what else comes with this world (from the book) and I reconsider. Then i remember the really really smoking hot Ginn and i reconsider the reconsider (make sense?, yeah not to me either :P)
Anyhoo if you have a chance check out Rachel's website, she used to have amazing song lists up as she wrote each book and I learned about some amazing bands from her.
The Books i have gotten a chance to read and re-read (as i tend to forget somethings when i read too many series one right after the other) are :

the other books in the series yet to be read ( Gods my list grows longer daily) :
Fire Storm
Thin Air
Gale Force
Cape Storm
Total Eclipse

I love them because the lead character is female and she is kick ass but enjoys a good pair of shoes and who doesn't love shoes, and she has a taste for heart pumping makes me jealous cars.

Enjoy reading dear readers

Let me know which of the books you enjoyed reading and any new authors you think i should look into.

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