Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sacred Pampering Ritual : Setting up the routine

Welcome to Sunday my loves.

For me today is the day to plan for the week coming up, ironing all the clothes needed, repairing things needed and planning my meals for the week so that the groceries last.  On this day i also like to take time for myself and reconnect to me. I know as an adult its very hard to reconnect when you are so plugged in, and have so many titles to your name you sometimes forget that your name isn't  "little witch's mommy" or "big witch's wife" or " crone's daughter".

Last week I told you to pick a day (possibly today) to take for yourself, even if its a few minutes. the people most resistant to this change (other than yourself) will be family and friends so make sure you really stress it DO NOT DISTURB unless they are dieing, bleeding or being held at gunpoint (yes its that serious).

To set-up for the physical part of the SPR have your favorite candles, incense, scented shower gels or oils and Epsom Salts.  Scented lotions, body powders, body scrubs and exfoliants are also good to have; you can also have: loofahs, heel biffers, body puff, and a cd (ipod) player.

To set-up for the spiritual part: get a journal, pen, paper, your favorite books that you have been dieing to read, a timer, and a quiet spot even it means sitting in a car in the garage.

You can also check out the book Sacred Pampering Principles by Debrena Jackson Gandy which has the amazing recipes needed to make everyday into a Sacred Day.

Here is a recipe:
You can also make the left over roses into rose water to use at a later date:

First strain the steam liquid and sace the petals and water separately. Pour water into a saucepan and simmer for about 30 mins or until there is 1 cup liquid left. Once reduced pour water over the saved petals and steep for 20 mins. Strain the liquid again. Discard the petals and pour liquid into a glass bottle and allow to cool. (recipe curtesy of Secrets of the Spas by Catherine Bardey)

P.S. ok ok i can't help but brag that the rose comes from my mom's garden :)

Enjoy this day!!
Take time to pamper yourselves my loves, it will keep you sane.

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