Thursday, 21 October 2010

Prize Drawings!!!

Hey there Readers,
I am so sorry for posting late, but today was errand day and I thought i would have finished a long time ago, but such is the case, make plans Gods laugh..  Anyhoo, Today was the drawing for the prizes offered, and I have three lucky and awesome winners. I will post your name here as well as send a message to the email or blog of the winner, you have three days to claim your prize after that i will hold another drawing for your prize.

For Mrs. B's Gift Card the winner is : Tracey Deluca

For the Rune Sets with Crocheted bags the winners are: Faerie Sage & Aine O'Brien 

Congrats everyone!!!
Thank you for entering, check back over the next week there will be another give away and another chance to win!!
Blessed Be


  1. Yay! I really needed a rune set! Thanks so much! Sent the info to your email.
    Blessed Be.

  2. Thanks again for the giveaway! I sent you an email....


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Thank You and Goddess Bless.