Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Book Review: Mercedes Lackey

When i was younger one of the first books that carried more adult theme to it was written by Mercedes Lackey.  Since I fell in love with her books and took to reading all of them. One of my favorites that I re-read it all the time, is Children of the Night, a Diana Tregarde Investigation.
 Here is the book's summary:
"Rock band Wanderlust is about to hit it big, guitarist Dave Kendall is sure of that. They're playing better venues, in front of bigger crowds-and the people showing up at the after parties are increasingly good-looking and cool. Some even radiate power, like "Master" Jeffries, the tall, saturnine man who seems to have some sort of weird control over Dave's fellow band-mates."

I love the characters in this book.
Diana was one of the first "real" witch characters I read about, she actually does practice and set-up like a witch would. The way she discusses feeling the ritual circles created by other witchs, just too amazing, and made me start thinking of creating a permanent standing circle.

The story continues with Jinx High
"Fay Harper looks like any other teenage girl—any other Queen Bee, that is. She’s blond, and beautiful, and very, very popular—the kind of popular that attracts boys like honey. Fay and her gang take a lot of risks, but so far they’ve managed to get away with everything. It’s as if they are magically protected.
Summoned to Tulsa by an old friend whose son has fallen in with Fay’s crowd, Diana Tregarde, practicing witch and successful romance novelist, quickly finds herself in hot water. To make matters worse, there is an ancient being sleeping under Tulsa, a being who might be woken by the magic battles taking place in the city. What will happen then, even Diana cannot predict
What would high school be like with out the Queen Bees?? A QB with magic?? Can you imagine if the girls on Gossip Girl had this kind of magic floating around? Blair would be just like Fay, crazy as hell. This story threw me for a loop and I still can't wrap my head around it, some of the things people are willing to do just to be popular?!? makes no sense to me, someone should tell these kids that there is more to life than high school. But then this book wouldn't be as fascintating as it is now would it??

and Burning Water
"Something ancient and incredibly powerful is stalking Dallas. First it attacked cattle, now it's going after people: men, women, even children--dozens at a time. And it leaves behind an aura of supernatural evil.If anyone can determine what malevolent power is loose in Dallas, she can.Power calls to power. Will Diana be an avenging angel or a willing sacrifice?"

To this day I still get the hee bee jebees just reading the monster parts (& I'm no child); no matter how many times I read this one its still a classic, the only things that stand out of course is the fact that no one has a cellphone (cause it was written so long ago).
There seems to be a resurgence in these books because they have redone the covers and they have moved up the ranks on amazon.com

I think you should check these books out. i can't really explain how much i love this book series.

I hope you enjoy reading them, my loves

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