Monday 13 September 2010


Normally today would be a Monday Movie review, helping me check off my 1001 movies list but instead this weekend i caught up on some projects that have been waiting for me for a while...

I have talked about SmoothFox and being a tester for her, this week she has up an amazing blanket that Im working on, which should help keep me busy when I have nothing else to do (which isn't very often).  I have also taken the time to look over some of photos and videos I have been meaning to get to.  As one of my friends lost all her amazing vacation photos because her computer set fire to itself, I have taken to the habit of backing up my photos on two different places. and on Skydrive on Hotmail.  So i spent the early boring hours of the morning cleaning off the computer by putting up pics I have shared already up there and deleting from the computer.

I have also lined up the basic schedule I wish to have here on this blog and what goes where, when, so I'm not completely lost for blog ideas.  I also checked out a lot of your blogs (for those who have them) and have begun to learn more about this blogging business, got to say I love what Im seeing and hearing. You learn something new and amazing everyday.
When I wasn't on the computer, I spent the weekend with the family and even knocked out a small project.
Penn. Dutch Hex Sign

This is just one of the things I got done this weekend. Its a wood-burned plague I made with a pattern I got online. I also crocheted up some custom ordered stuff for my sister who creates some amazing jewelry.

She was super excited this weekend because she got a huge order from a clothing company to do some pieces for their spring and summer line. So Im sending a huge Congrats to her for turning her little side hustle into a big time game.

Other than that i spent the weekend relaxing and shopping for groceries. Stocking up on some clean eating staples, and relaxing because this is the first in a long time I have had the weekends relatively free,

So what was your weekend like? Did you try to make yesterday a good pampering day? Even though I didn't do a post about it?  Lol (oops)

Have a great start to the week everyone
as always

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