Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Yoga Challenge Day Recap:

Yoga challenge Day 1 and Day 2

I made myself a promise for the new year to re-commit to meditation and to yoga, as these have helped me to relax and focus during school. So I came up with a 28 day challenge based ont he book (see link below). With each day building on the last one so that you go deeper into each pose. Right after I decided to do that I found out that there is an ongoing challenge by Yoga Journal for 21 days. You might be wondering why 21 or 28. the reason for these numbers is because it takes 21 days to form a new habit as well as break a habit. So each day that I build on my yoga skills will help me to form the habit of doing regular practice daily.

Day 1 
I started off by using the 28 days of Yoga book,  Each day increased what you do in the yoga poses. I used this book when I was in high school and needed to loosen up for gymnastics, it was amazingly good, it also had a thought for the day, that really got you going each time you read them. So day one was amazingly good and amazing.

Day 2
On day two, was day 1 for the 21 days of yoga journal challenge they emailed the first day's link and I was all gung-ho to get started. O_o I have flirted with my yoga mat for years, but we by no means have a deep and meaningful relationship, so when I got started I almost immediately gave up. One she moved way too fast, I get it it's a flow that's what they do. But I don't know all these poses or how to get my body correct and need time to sink into each, but before I could do that she was again moving on. This is not a beginner's challenge, if you have been doing yoga a while then yes Day 1 is all for you, but if you haven't touched your mat in months, day 1 is a challenge and a 1/2. I had to keep stopping it and restarting so I could get the first few poses.  So instead of feeling great and centered like I do when I do yoga normally, I felt off kilter and frustrated. This isn't really a criticism for the teacher she is great, but I wish the journal people would have thought to put a different class first so that newbies or semi-newbies would have a chance to ease into everything. 

Either way day 3 (which is day 2 in the yoga journal challenge ) should be interesting,  if your interested make sure to sign up for the challenge and be prepared for a real workout,

Be Blessed 

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