Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Book Review

Made from scratch by Jenna woginrich

I learned about Jenna from Jaz over at Octoberfarm (she’s on her blogroll) so i hopped on over and checked her out, then i saw that she wrote a boook, so I sent in a request at my liv=brary to see i if I could get it to read. I mean I love reading her blog Cold Antler Farm, where she shares her witty perceptions of what it means to be a farmer, she shares so much of her life with us and it helps with my Barnheart (scroll down on her blog, you’ll see the meaning there) 

So the book came and I got all excited and breezed through it pretty qucikly (ok I admit I skipped the lessons on playing the bankjo O_o, soo not for me) but i enjoyed reading the rest of the book, I even tried a couple of her recipes including the basic bread (ill put up a vlog and a posting about it at another time). She shares her triumphs, like making her own bread, and her first egg harvest as well as her failures, like not letting the queen bee out of the box, which caused her hive to start to fail, and when her wolves ate her chicks, 

I really enjoyed this book including all her tips about which chickens you can have for newbies and I have been obsessively going over the different websites she listed for references. I even had a few chuckles over which had personals for those seeking wither male or female farm partners. the old couple they use as their logo is too cute, the horse who says”city folks just don’t undetstand” too funny.

if you are interested in homesteading, urban farming, or just reading about others journeys into these then check out Jenna's blog(link at the top) and definitely check out the book. The newest book she has I can't wait to get is about chickens, much research before I attempt to even think about getting chicks in my backyard.
Have fun reading and enjoying the dreams of being a modern day farmer 
Be Blessed.

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