Thursday 9 December 2010

21 days of Yule day 9: Books for the Season

With the coming of Yule those with little ones, are probably searching high and low for tales that they could share with their children about the story of Yule. here are some books that i have found that are great for their tales.

1) The Song of Taliesin by John Matthews, tells the tale of the famous bard, each one is more and more elaborate. The one which is great for Yule id the poem (which I will share) the Silence of winter.

2) the second book i use the most often for Yule traditions as well as for the mummer’s plays is the Winter Solstice book by John Matthews. i love this book, for the recipes, the lore, and the rituals included.

3)There is of course the story that launched a thousand Santas the story of the Yuletide elf. The Night Before Christmas

4) The Winter Solstice by Ellen Jackson, is to me an okay book. It’s a bit jumbled in that it jumps from one culture to another. It would be for older kids as it mentions sacrifice, no need to scare the tiny children. But' it’s a good read for teaching some of the history of the Solstice.

5) Return of the Light by Carolyn Edwards is a great book as it has many different tales (12 to be exact) that showcase how the different cultures celebrate or explain the Solstice. She also has Solstice games, and activates listed in the back of the book.

6) Yule by Dorothy Morrison is chuck full of arts and crafts, mini rituals and ideas on how to Deck the halls (which incidentally is my favorite chapter)

I am sure there are more but these are the ones i know of. I also have a fiction book I will be posting about also, so keep an eye out for that. Do you have books you have for yourselves and your kiddies (if you have any) care to share in the comment section please? Thank You.

Enjoy reading my loves
Blessed Be
courtesy of


  1. "The Winter Solstice" by John Matthews is also on my shelf. "Pagan Christmas" by Ratsch & Muller-Ebeling and of course I have to read "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens...and watch a few different adaptations of it on TV.

  2. When I was a kid we read 'The Night Before Christmas and 'The Littlest Christmas Elf'. I loved the Little elf and his wonderful story. My family was never big on a religious Christmas or religious at all really! So we got stories mom though we would like :)
    Blessings and thanks for the book ideas!
    PS Thanks for the comment Pagan cards are a really good idea! Thanks so much for your support it has meant a great deal to me.

  3. @Sophiadawn I have seen the Pagan Christmas book at my local library branch, and just never seemed to have time to grab it, I will attempt this year to look into it. Thanks for sharing that one. I love a Christmas Carol, one fo my faves to read at this time, I love so many of the adaptations out there of it, my fave of course is the Ghost of Christmas part, in his jolly green robes.

  4. @FS I'll definitely look into the Littlest elf, i don't have that one, the Night before Christmas ahhh my mum gave us each a book for ourselves so we could read it to our own kids. I love it too amazing.

  5. Actually I have all of those books but one. On my Yule post for here, I'm going to be blogging about not specifically Yule books, but Winter/Christmasy (that aren't blatantly Christian down your throat) type of books. There's a book, I just ordered this year that I think you would LOVE, Aisha, it's all about the ethnobotany of Christmas and Yule. It's beautifully illustrated and fantastic info. Here's the link:

  6. @Wendy i keep seeing that book I think I might check into it. it's at my local library so i can check it out there. Thankd for the reference, BB


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