Tuesday 21 December 2010

Merry Yule

this is the Long night
this is the dark night
this is the cold night
this is the night of last hope
this is the night of the little spark
this is the night of turning from darkness
this is the night of turning towards light
this is the night of wonder
the long night is here
come to us, you spirits
together let us fill the long night with light
calling all beings to warm themselves at our fires
pg 156 Serith, Ceisiwr, A book of Pagan Prayer

Happy Yule everyone, I hope you enjoyed the 21 days leading up to Yule and will have an excellent and beautiful Yule ceremony tonight.

have fun with the 12-13 day countdown, which I will be participating in also. 
enjoy the first Sabbat of the New Year.

All of nature is dressed in the Goddess Splendor
And today the God will rise, and another will rest
Enjoy the magick and beauty of the Solstice


  1. ~a gorgeous prayer you have shared this day...warm wishes and a blessed winter solstice to you...much l♥ve and light upon you always~

  2. thank you and Merry and Blessed Yule on you and your family both those you were born into and the ones you have chosen.

  3. Yes, that is a beautiful prayer.

    Merry Yule to you and yours!


  4. @Cynthia thank you Merry yule to you as well BB

  5. A day late but Happy Yule! Thank you for sharing that lovely prayer. :) Theresa

  6. @Theresa oops I just saw this, thank you and a happy and merry Yule to you too


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Thank You and Goddess Bless.