Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Book Review

Naughty or Nice and anthology by Sherrilyn Kenton, Carly Phillips, Patricia Ryan, and Kathryn Smith

This was one of the books I picked up at the library from my book haul. I picked it up knowing that I love Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing style and Carly Phillips is always a good read.
There are four stories and out of all of them only one didn't really draw me in. 

The first story is Santa Baby by Patricia Ryan.  Which features private detective hired to seduce away a mistress from a wayward husband. He's hired by the wife. Call me jaded, or maybe I'm too confrontational to simply leave it up to someone else to kick my husband's straying ass, but this story was not too believable. Premise aside, the 'mistress' is someone we are made to believe we should dislike after all she is the "other woman" and our main character is supposed to fall in love with her?? Nope didn't buy it.

The second story,  written by Carly Phillips, "Naughty Under the Mistletoe", now this is a story. The main character decides to shoot for the stars and seduce her boss, and on her way there runs into his twin, while standing under the mistletoe.  Whew-wee, now this story really had me interested from the beginning to the end, Loved it, from the hot kiss to the ...well I'll let you read it and find out.

The third story, written by Sherrilyn Kenton, this story is light hearted and fun, with two co-workers who are really interested in each other but fail to act on it because of the company policy. Then, after a series of events discover their mutual like for each other, and begin to act on it. During the christmas snow storm, they work hard at making each other's christmas the best they ever had. I loved the characters in this one, particularly the young man who goes out of his way to take care of his family even though they take full advantage of him. I love the way the female character decides to take care of him because no one else is. Loved this story. I knew Sherrilyn would be a good bet. 

The last story is by Kathryn Smith, sees the main characters during the regency era, as a young woman rescues a spy who has been captured while in France. On the way back to England they indulge in a brief affair and begin to fall in love, but insecurities and social class get in the way.  I loved this story, because as I have said before, just because you fall in love doesn't mean all the issues that are in your life just disappear, being in love only makes it easier to deal with life's hardships. And the male character had to work hard to convince the female character that their love was worth it. i enjoyed this book. Well worth the read.

Had this been only one book, I would have been really upset, but that's the best about anthologies, there is always one Fail, and a few Wins. This had three big wins.
Check them out my loves
Blessed be

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