Wednesday, 29 December 2010

KWW: Greening the Cleaning

Over the Yuletide break I have been pumping out so many new crafts I am super proud of myself for. Two of these are just so awesome I had to share.

I use to use the swiffer mop system, then when I wished to go green I purchased the OMOP by method for cleaning.( I wrote about this in one of my other posts.)
What does that have to do with KWW? Well with holidays some what over and many of your family member & friends having trooped through your home your going to want to do some cleaning. I know I do. There are two kinds of cleaning I will be doing here is some info about it.
I have been seeing all over etsy cute little washable cloths to go on the swiffer and I thought “uhh I can make that”, I mean how much greener is -re-usable?? So i researched and found a pattern on Lily yarn whic was easy to whip up. It took a little over 2 hours and used less than one ball of Lily sugar'n cream yarn. Then I decided to make one for the omop because that's what I use the most, I made the blue one for all floors and the brown for the wood floors. 
I had a chance to use this after christmas dinner and this baby works like a charm. there was no pattern for the omop so i created one. (side not i will sell the pattern on my etsy once i get it up, and the cloths themselves as well YAY)
Now for the cleaning:
there are many ways in which to harmonize a home, you can ring a bell, clap, cast a circle, light an incense, or even say a blessing while throwing salt. Because I know I will have several family members & friends over for New Years I will wait until after to do the big cleansing.
however i will do a quick floor wash to help clear away some of the negative vibes, and then before New Year's day do one more big cleanse & clean so my home starts the new year on the right footing. 

for wood:
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 tsp castile soap
4 drops bergamont or sweet orange essential oil

Add ingredients to a small spray bottle apply to wood and clean up with a damp cloth, then go over it with a dry cloth to make them shine.

Pine fresh floor cleaner:
1 gallon hot water
2 tbsp liquid castile soap 10 drops pine essential oil
5 drops cypress e.o 

recipes from herbal home hints

There are many other ways to cleanse the home as well you can create a floor wash to cleanse the front of the home of event he kitchen. here are some recipes I am familiar with (i however eliminate the ammonia, as I can't stand the smell). these washes are bigger within the Candomble' traditions of Santeria, hoodoo, & voodoo, but they are slowly making their way into the craft. 

I hope you find a great way to cleanse your home and harmonize for the new year.
Be Blessed


  1. ~i love this!!! we have a shark steam mop that has reusable pads but they are starting to wear so i may just have to try and whip up a few myself!!! brilliant little project you have completed and many happy days of cleaning to you...hehehe...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. This is great!! I bought a floor WET mop like this - with washable reusable pads (that are like small towels. Works great and I love that they can be washed!

  3. @faerwillow Thank you I love it. I think it's so great when you can find things that are green and make you just a little bit happy. ahhh it's the little things.

  4. @Aine that's great. I have found that some people even make their own solution and put inside the wetjet, so that's a good idea too. Thanks for commenting Happy New Year. BB

  5. Ohhh this is amazing!!! Great job hunnie!
    I feel bad - I wasn't online to get my KWW posted yesterday....

  6. @Emberlyn your welcome i enjoy doing the post thanks so much for coming up with the idea!! Bright Blessings


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