Tuesday 7 December 2010

Delayed post

Hi my loves, i know you are probably wondering why there isn't a post up today. Well as with all things, I made a plan, and the Gods made another. i got sick right before the 21 days started and I have been valiantly attempting to maintain a regular schedule with my ear infections. I managed to do some pretty awesome post (patting myself on the back here) but I just knew today wouldn't be one of the good ones, so instead of wasting both our time i thought i would confess, i haven't really gotten any sleep for the last few nights, and yet i somehow managed to make thru the last few days(it's a wonder I'm still alive ) as one day is so blurred out i have no idea how i made it home (i wasn't driving thank the Goddess, I had enough sense there).
I'm a little scattered and as much as I want to keep going I'm taking today off to get some much needed sleep and to ground and regroup. come Wed i will be back (here's hoping the gods didn't hear that, nothing they like more than a challenge).

Keep doing the amazing posts ladies and I'll try to catch up on today's and yesterday's post.

Sorry for the punctuation abuse, but really it's all I can do to type this, I hope i made sense and didn't just ramble on
ok good night/morning
blessed be


  1. Get well soon!
    Blessings and chicken soup thoughts coming your way!

  2. Oh Aisha, I am lighting a candle and sending healing thoughts to you right now!! I'm with Faerie Sage.. chicken soup too!!

  3. I hope you feel better soon. And yes, the chicken soup will be so good for you and some hot tea. Get all cuddled up with a blanket and just take care.

  4. Oh yuck, this time of the year produces more stress, leading to illness. Go at your own schedule, Aisha, even if you don't have a post up for that day. Give yourself a break and just rest up and get well.

  5. I am a victim of chronic severe sinusitis, it makes me quite prone to sinus infections. They almost always end up in my ears,at times even the inner ear or "labrinthytis" which gives me bad vertigo when that happens. I had surgery on them July of 2007, they removed 9 polyps...yuk.

    so I totally get you...NO WORRIES!! take care of yourself, we'll all still be here when you are up to posting. I didn't post until late myself.

    sending healing and comforting energy your way.

    Gentle hugs and warm blessings,

  6. I forgot to say feel better quickly, and I second the drinking of hot tea :)

  7. Aisha, Thank you so much for you wonderful comment, it means the world to me that the people in this little online community care so much. Actually after I posted, Mr H and I had to go out and we picked up the mail, of all things I got your card, I was so touched I cried. So you have helped so much, the timing of a true witch.
    Currently I am looking for any work I can do, of course work in my field would be great but I will take anything that will bring in an income, the down side is that I either am "too educated" (direct quote from a prospective employer interviewing me), or I don't have enough experience. What you said in your post brought tears to my eyes and gypsy's comment finished me off (back to tears again!) but I thing you are right my friends and family have been encouraging me to open an online business since I am fairly artistic and a decent calligrapher. If I got it going I could make some money even if it would not support us at least it would be a start.
    I am so glad that everyone wholeheartedly agrees that this is not the universe punishing me!
    Thank You again so much your card came just when I needed it and your comment came at just the time to finally convince me that opening up my own artistic shop online is the right thing to do.
    Thank you and Blessings to such a wonderful person.

  8. You're a better woman than me. The last ear infection I lived through had me in the fetal postion crying for my mama.....and I was a 30 year old!
    Feel better soon, sister! Love and healing to you.

  9. Thanks so much FaerieSage for the well wishes.
    Blessed Be

  10. Kallan thanks so much, the healing energy definitely helped.
    Blessed Be

  11. Cynthia, it's funny i was thinking about chicken soup from the moment i started feeling sick, i finally got some on tuesday. It worked like a charm.
    blessed be

  12. Wendy, i'm used to getting them but this one definitely hit harder than most. The changing weather always gets me no matter how well i dress for it.
    Thanks so much for the well wishes
    Blessed Be

  13. @Susan thanks so much for the warm wishes, yeah, chronic anything sucks, I'm glad your doing better, (eww on the nine, that's crazy) drinking more earl grey as we speak
    Blessed Be

  14. @TD thanks, yeah this one was pretty bad, makes me glad I'm not alone, ugh can't imagine. funny no matter how old we get, we get sick, and we call for our mother figures right?
    lol thanks for the warm wishes


I love my readers, and your comments help me to know how you feel, so please share.
Thank You and Goddess Bless.