Thursday, 30 December 2010

Repurposing the Old into New

Just a quick post to share about the things you can do with those old yuletide cards that you won’t be hanging on to. The Michelle over at truebookaddict who has an amazing Christmas Spirit page has up a great post about way in which to repurpose the used yuletide cards here.

At my old job they collected the fronts of used cards for the Saint Jude’s Ranch which was big because the amount of cards that would show up was amazing.  there is a listing here of other organizations that collect the used cards.  The address is listed on this page.

And as always wiki has the answer too, as there are organizations in the Uk that also collect.

Serious side-eye to some of the old cards on the bottom, especially the 1920’s card ugh but I guess I can see as a “how far we have come moment”.

Whatever you choose to do. happy recycling & 
Blessed new year


  1. ~just this past year i have been finally putting to good use all the christmas cards saved...repurposing adn upcycling them into new...thank you for sharing this with us...and st. judes's a wonderful simple thing to do for them!!! much love light and blessings be with you~

  2. Thank you for such a wonderful idea! I am not quite as crafty as some of those idea's call for..lolol BUT I got the address for St. Jude's and will be diffently sending my used cards along. =]

  3. @Faerwillow thats why i just generally donate, let them have all the fun, besides if i hung on to them i probably wouldn't do anything with them and it would become junk so best to send them on their way.

  4. @Spiritwing I'm glad i have given you an idea, it's always good to share. BB


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