Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Welcome to 21 Days of Yule: Day 1: Introductions


of the 21 Days of Yule. This is going to be an introduction to all the happenings here on the blog.

1) There are several others who are participating in the blog party from around the Pagan blogosphere:
Wendy from Year of the Cats
Susan from Pieces of Fate
Aelwyn from HedgeWitch Hollow
Sophiadawn from Wandering a Wise Woman Path
MsLilypads from Amethyst and Lilypads
Ctnthia from Witching
and Jaimie-Lyn from The Diary of a Bald Girl

Please make sure to check them out. It’s not too late to sign up, just add your name here, leave a comment and I will add you on to the list of Blogs to follow.

2) I will be sharing many of my crafts, recipes, and ritual does and don’ts. I will also include spells that I have that are great for the season. I will not be listing associations as there are many listed within the pagan community, some can be found here on Mrs.B’s association page for December, as well as on each day on Witch’s daily.

3) My traditions have taken years to form and are constantly evolving,so what I share today, may not be what your tradition is like, please share int he comment sections, even blog about the differences if you would like, make sure to leave a comment about it and I will definitely swing over and check it out.

4) Most importantly have fun my loves, this is a joyous season, one in which the Light of the World returns to us, however you view that light is up to you.
One of the books I will be referencing a lot through-out the month is Winter Solstice by John Matthews, see a review here at Google Books, if you like what you see, don't forget to support the authors by purchasing (click on his name and the title to get it from Barnes & Noble)
Brightest Blessing in this Blessed Season


  1. I have this book as well and plan to use it quite a lot this month! I am excited to get rolling.

  2. @Sophiadawn, since converting this has been my go to book to find things to do.
    Love it soooo much
    Blessed Be

  3. Hui Aisha,
    Here is the direct link to today's post:

    Thanks, Susan (Pieces of Fate)

    I'll be back later to read and learn :)

  4. Oh your blog looks gorgeous, Aisha! And the "Winter Solstice" books is one of my faves. The illustrations and information is so overwhelming and wonderful I have to read it like I eat chocolate. A little bit at a time and savouring every bite :)

  5. Thanks Wendy, it took plenty of hours to do the header, the background is from Cutest blog on the block, they are totally awesome.
    I love anything written by the Matthews they are well researched and well versed in their writing. I also implement like chocolate, a little each year.
    Thanks for commenting
    Blessed Be

  6. This sounds like such a great learning experience. My direct link to this post is

    Thank you so much

  7. @ Susan, loved your post, thanks so much for participating, can't wait to see the tree!!
    Blessed Be

  8. How did I miss this? I would love to be part of this party!

  9. Oh Aisha! Your blog looks so festive and lovely! I can't wait to read each day!
    Thanks for the book recommendation. I love John and Caitlin Matthews.. I've never read this one, so I think I'm going to make a trip to the bookstore and get it!

    Hugs and Holiday blessings!

  10. Here's the link to my post

  11. If it's not too late I'd love to participate! (If it is, I'll just follow along, oohing and aahing) :)

  12. Wow am I behind! The 30 posts of truth through November tired me out! I am up for 21 Days of Yule though! Lets do it, sign me up and I'll get started now!


I love my readers, and your comments help me to know how you feel, so please share.
Thank You and Goddess Bless.