Saturday, 23 October 2010

Have a Seat.....

 Grab a cup, it's time for tea.

Welcome My loves,
getting ready for our lovely tea party? lets take a refreshing bath shall we?

Calming Juniper, & Geranium Rose Bath:
This blend is soothing, sedative, and spiritually uplifting. Keep the temp of the bath between 98.6 to 110 otherwise your body won't absorb the healing properties of herbs and oils. 

The juniper oil will help combat mental fatigue (it's been a long day) and restore calm (necessary for a party with a bunch of witches) and the geranium helps to balance hormones ( so there will be NO flying off the handles ....yes its a joke I'll stop now)

6 drop each of Juniper, and Geranium Rose Oil  (you can simply add these to the bath water or you can make the body scrub and gel I'll share with you)

Body Scrub:
1 cup fine sea salt
1/2 cup grape-seed, hazelnut, or soybean oil
6-10 drops essential oils

apply to damp skin, and relax for a few let the oils do their job.

Shower Gel
2 cups liquid castile (or in a pinch Natural baby shampoo)
For sensitive  & dry skin: 1 cup rose water; for oily blemished skin: 1 cup orange blossom water
30 drops of essential oils
For sensitive : lavender and chamomile; for Dry: lavender and geranium; for oily: peppermint & lemon.
Shower well.!!
Apply a lotion to keep skin soft and dress in a lovely outfit and float on out to the party..

Welcome to theParty, allow one of our woodland spirits to show you to your table. 

It's a Tea Party , let's get down with our delicious teas:

Witchy Tea 1: Vervain Tea
Vervain was regarded as a sacred, ceremonial plant, in several ancient cultures. It became a charm to rekindle lost love..  You can wear a crown of vervain.on this party night ( it might help keep the headaches away, although drinking it will be better)

Lady's Mantle Tea:
This tea is especially effective for women. It's name "Alchemilla" means "magic herb". So its a great tea to serve at a magickal party!!

1 cup of boiling water, 
1 heaping scope of tea herb allow to steep for ten minutes,
then serve with honey if you want. 

Of Course some midnight revelers loves to let loose, and may not want to have some tea, but not want the side-effects of alcohol. Here are some great recipes to try:

Citrus-Cranberry Sparkler
1 32 oz bottle sparkling mineral water
1 cup cranberry juice
1 orange sliced
1 lemon sliced
1 lime sliced
1 cup ice cubes
In a large jar with ice, add cranberry juice, and fruit slices, pour in sparkling water as you serve over ice in chilled glasses.

Blueberry Shiver
1/2 cup blueberries, frozen
1 banana peeled and sliced
1/2 cup white grape juice
1/2 cup chopped ice
slice of banana for garnish

Place blueberries, banana, grape juice and ice in a blender and blend until smooth. Put into chilled glass and garnish with a slice of banana. 

Ahhh since we have partied into the night tomorrow (l;ater) maybe a day you need to get up and do things, and we don't want to look as if we are dressed up as raccoons.  Here's a little recipe to aide in hiding or keeping away those dark circles:

Eyebright Tea:
use 1 tsp of herb to 1 cup of water, bring to a boil for five (5) mins. Then allow to steep for 5 more mins. Strain into a disinfected glass container Let cool completely, then use it as a compress to help reduce inflammation and soothe the eyes.  Always use a new batch of tea each time you ise it for a medicinal application. 
Enjoy Party beneath the moon witches!!!


  1. What an incredible green goddess witch you are! All those recipes I'm writing down and I am so thirsty I'm going to make some of the Citrus-Cranberry Sparkler right now as I visit other blogs. And the bath, I love, love baths. Thank you so much for having me and the "girls" over. Blessings to you.
    Stop by and say "hi" when you can. I'd also love to talk to you more about how to make a blog for everyone's altars!

  2. So many wonderful things here in this post. Thank you for sharing so much. Hope you are enjoying all of the Tea Parties. :)

  3. SO many wonderful recipes...I am saving this post as I just have to partake in these delicious teas while soaking in a warm, cozy bath!! Thank you so much for flying by my Tea Party. All of our little woodland creatures loved having you and we hope that you visit again real soon!~

  4. I love your recipes! as you can tell from my post I love too! I will have to get out the pen and paper and copy down these recipes (personal use only!) Loved your tea party!

  5. Awesome recipes! I am brewing some as I speak (type)!
    Peace and Blessings!

  6. Thanks for sharing all these fabulous recipes. I had fun at your tea party. :)

    If you haven't already done so, I'd love for you to join the little owl tea party here:

    Enjoy the rest of the parties!

  7. What a fabulous party and such a plethora of recipes. I will most certainly be giving quite a few of these a try. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Please, stop by and visit with me for some tea leaf reading.

  8. So many wonderful recipes, oh thank you so much!! I can't wait to try them. Feel free to stop by mine at
    Hugs, Seshat

  9. what wonderful recipes you've shared! Such a wonderful post..... do drop by my table at the tea party, and see what recipes I've got going on....
    hugs and blessings from Australia,

  10. Enchanting Full Moon Tea Party. Love your beautiful blog, yummy recipes & all your PICs. October 23 is my third Blogoversary, so October is a spooktacular Celebration month.

    Please fly by for my giveaways too...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

  11. how off the handle!!!!
    what a wonderful party post...thank you for the recipes!

  12. I am very new on this "path" can you explain about the teas...what herbs do i use.

    and where is a good place to get them and the oils?

    sorry to be such a newb :(

    That was lovely, thank you for sharing with us:)

    Susan (now following)

    come visit:

  13. @ Susan, there is no need to applogize, we were all new once. The eyebright tes, and lady mantle, actually most of the herbs listed can be purchaedx through Mountainrose Herbals, they sell an amazing array of organic or sustainablie farmed herbs. Barring that most grocery stores carry an organic section now a days and many herbs listed in those sections are the one's here(at the tea party), just be careful if you are taking conventional medicines about how much herbs you mix with them, some can enhance the effect or decrease the effect of the medicine. Check back often as i will list those soon, also the oils can be purchased through soap companies, or even from most witchy shops, in your town or online, I use asuregreen as well as Bramble Berry (which is a soap company) for the oils and soap bases.
    Hope this helps

  14. Aisha !
    Thank you for the lovely elixir recipes!! The sound wickedly delicious! Also thank you for stopping by and having some tea and pumpkin creampuffs with Penelope and her friends :-)

  15. Oh thank you for the invite to your magaical tea party, so much choice in drinks, you really have spoilt us.

  16. Blueberry Shiver?! A hauntingly-good ring to it indeed! I can not wait for it to turn my tongue bits blue! Thank-you for all these wonderful receipts, not to mention the bathy brews!

  17. Thanx foe the wonderful tea recipes - will try them out! - please do come on over to our Tea Party Halloween Tea Party at!

  18. OOOh how inciting they all are! I must book mark this page and return to try some out. Thanks for the lovely tea.

    I have another prize draw for this coming Sunday ~ HALLOWEEN October 31st / 2010 for a tiny seashell soldered bottle. Drop in for a visit.



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Thank You and Goddess Bless.