Saturday 30 October 2010

Samhain Prayers

There are many different prayers, the one's you make-up are of course the best ones which you can pray!!  I generally just wing it, but I have found that there are many different prayer books on the market, This one I love and it has many great prayers inside.  These prayers are from "A Book of Pagan Prayer" :

Prayer for the Festival of the Dead
  • I pray to all the Gods of death of darkness, of sorrow. Though I do not love you, I respect you. Though I do not welcome you, I honor you. Though i do no invite you into my life. I know you are already there.
  • Eat with us, Ancestors, on this night of the dead. Share our meal with us, and then go on your way.
  • Wild geese flying overhead on your journey south, bear away with you on your thundering wings, the cares that have made my summer weary. Cry out my pain, passing over the darkened land, until the air ocean sail washes away.
                 Offering that can be made to the Gods and Goddesses of Death are:
Beer, Mead, Wine. Bread,  for the Hunter Gods and Goddesses  can also be Meat if you are a meat eater or a hunter you can place a piece of something you have hunted, or even a feather from the birds or a piece of hide from the deer.

Hope these were helpful
Blessed Be 


  1. I have that book and forgot about it. Thank you so much for these prayers. Wishing you and your ancestors a Samhain full of light and love.

  2. Thank you and the same to you and your ancestors also. I'm glad that I have helped you remember the book.BB


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