Sunday, 3 October 2010

Samhain Incense & Oils

Welcome to another day in the 31 days!! Here I’m going to share some of my B.O.S recipes and incense.

Samhain Incense
3 parts frankincense
2 pts mullein
1 pt heather
½ pt sage
Pinch of pulverized oak leaf (dry it then crumble)
Mix together and then place on a charcoal block.

Samhain Oil
½ dram Pine Oil
¼ dram frankincense
¼ dram Patcholi
¼ dram lavender
Use a good carrier oil, Shake well and anoint yourself on Samhain

Samhain/Halloween Incense
Blend a teaspoon of the following:
crushed cinnamon, 
dittany of crete
dragon's blood
1 part resin to 1 part mixed herbs.

2 pts samdal wood
1 pt hazel wood
1 pt acacia
1/2 pt calendula, bay, clary sage
pinch nutmeg
Mix well add the calendula and nutmeg last then burn on charcoal block.
(from Anna Franklin) 
Here are the correspondences I have in my B.O.S for the month of October:
Yew, Apple, Turnip, Oak, & Mint

Osiris Incense (Kemetic)
Osiris is the Egyptian Ruler of the Dead.
To make this incense Blend Acadia and Frankincense together
Burn to reach someone in his realm.

Sabbat Incense:
4 pts frankincense
2 pts myrrh, benzoin
1/2 bay, fennel, thyme, pennyroyal, solomon's seal
1/4 pt rue, wormwood, chamomile, rose petals

Would love to give credit where it is due, the Osiris recipe was given to me many years ago at a October Wicca Class at Curious Goods Witchcraft Shop in New Haven CT. The other two recipes are from ezine Echoed Voices several years ago.

Bright Blessings

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